  • 期刊


When Bureaucrats Meet Feminists: Exploring the Progress and Challenges of Gender Mainstreaming in Taiwan


行政院自2004年起逐步推出一連串的「性別主流化」相關措施,訴求範圍遍及行政院38個部會及其附屬單位,民間婦女團體與性別學者專家也在這個過程中,有機會進入體制內影響政策。然而,形式上的全面推動並不必然造成實質面的影響,也可能多半是虛應故事,浪費行政成本,甚至激化對於性別平權的反挫。因此,本文主要有兩個目的,一方面針對已經推動三年多的性別主流化工程,概要回顧其成就與進展;另一方面則從性別聯絡人、代理人或承辦人(本文所稱「性別文官」)的經驗中,反省及探討性別主流化有待面對的挑戰,呈現文官如何詮釋其與婦運者之間的互動、磨合與差異。 透過深度訪談二十多位性別文官,本文指出性別主流化推動初期所遭致的質疑與批判,主要可歸因於民間婦權會委員與官僚這兩群行動者,因為彼此間的陌生與差異,而引發了一連串包括互動態度、程序、步驟方法、效率與課責等面向的衝突。而在這些人際與技術面的問題已經逐步獲得回應,婦運者與官僚之間也累積了基本的合作默契之後,未來還有更深刻的結構性挑戰需要面對,包括了官僚體系本身的各種侷限,諸如本位主義、官僚惰性、技術官僚化等問題;以及環繞著性別政治的各種阻礙,諸如父權框架下的性別想像、不同層次的「性別平等」概念引起的混淆、以及政治正確氛圍下的性別「假霸權」等。基於這些探討與分析,本文結論建議應朝著性別平權機構建制化、性別平等專案小組功能強化、以及更友善的溝通審議氛圍等三方向努力,以期性別主流化能產生更深遠正向的成果。


Gender mainstreaming (GM) has arguably become the most popular innovation to promote gender equality among national governments worldwide. It creates a chance for feminists and women's movement activists to collaborate with governmental bureaucrats and participate in the policy making processes. Yet the worry that feminists will be co-opted by the neoliberal technocratic state is also common. This paper tries to address concerns with the case of GM in Taiwan, where GM initiatives have been introduced and implemented for three or so years. Based on twenty in-depth interview with gender focal points or contact persons appointed in different ministries or bureaus, I point out that the main criticism against GM so far has been focused on the lack of instrumental-technical resources, the bad attitude of feminist GM advocates and the waste of administrative money due to inefficient meetings. The goal and value of gender mainstreaming are usually, at least rhetorically, taken as given. Whether these criticisms are excuses of a hidden agenda that questions the legitimacy of ”ender equality” as a holistic policy goal or not is yet to be documented. Nevertheless, three suggestions are provided here to advance the positive impact of GM. First, a formal GM institution should be established to coordinate and account for the various initiatives of GM. Second, the Gender Task Force Groups already created within each ministry and bureau should be strengthened. Last but not least, there should be more diverse NGO representatives involved in the collaborative process so that the content and strategies of GM could be deliberated in a more inclusive and effective way.


Gender Focal Point Network
Member Economies` Profile
Bacchi, Carol,Joan Eveline(2003).Mainstreaming and Neoliberalism: A Contested Relationship.Policy & Society.22(2),98-118.


