  • 期刊


The Policy Implementation of Local Drug Abuse Control Center-A Policy Network Perspective




Drug abuse have existed for a long time. Recently, due to the escalating stress of life, drug abuse problems have become a much more serious social problem. Both the growing number of people being sent to jail for drug abuse and the high percentage of people retaking drugs are evidence in this trend. In order to tackle this problem, our government has set up the locally government controlled Drug Abuse Control Center.Through this organization, it is hoped that government and non-governmental organizations can work together to prevent drug abuse and crime. By using policy network analysis and in-depth interviews, this research tries to understand the interaction between structure and policy implementation of the local Drug Abuse Control Center. This study found that the policy is mainly an emergency-type of anti-drug policy. The central and local government officials are taking action to cope with serious drug problem respectively. On the part of the central government, the Ministry of Justice has carried out strategies of lobbing, guidance and constructing a network under the constraints of limited resources. On the part of local governments, the local Drug Abuse Control Center's strategy is to find outside resources and cooperate with other parts of the local governments and civil society. Accordingly, both a central and local drug abuse control network has gradually formed. The most important contribution under the local Drug Abuse Control Center's policy implementation is the formation of a central and local drug abuse control network. We conclude that resource dilemma in the context, staffing in the task force, limited assistance from anti-drug operation, and weak ties between organizations have hindered the local Drug Abuse Control Center's network development and persistent unfolding. In addition, the drug user groups' lack of awareness of their disease and their strong psychological dependence have made policy implementation even more difficult. Finally, we propose several short-term, mid-term and long-term policy recommendations to improve implementation.


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