有鑑於電視購物頻道的高產值,包括東森集團、富邦集團、中信集團等企業集團都紛紛搶攻市場。1999年東森挾其經營有線電視市場之優勢率先搶進,而2005年富邦推出電視購物台後卻頻遭東森有意無意的杯葛,使得電視購物市場的集團爭霸戰備受矚目,而先占者如何構築進入障礙、新進者如何擬訂競爭策略等,都頗值得探究與解析。 本研究利用市場進入障礙理論,探討電視購物頻道市場的進入障礙問題,及其對新進者與產業發展的影響,以及新進者的因應策略等議題。研究發現,東森集團構築的進入障礙包括:(一)創造規模經濟;(二)推動產品差異化;(三)善用垂直整合優勢;(四)搶占銷售通路。富邦集團因缺乏電視平台通路,因此以掌握通路為首要策略,買下有線電視系統以擁有電視購物頻道通路,並掌握與東森談判通路的籌碼。中信集團因本身即擁有有線電視系統,其策略焦點則在如何於最短時間內,利用其平台通路優勢搶占市場,因此採取併購既有電視購物頻道,作為其突破進入障礙,搶占市場的首要策略。
The home shopping channel market has become remarkably prosperous in terms of its high revenues over the past several years in Taiwan. As a result, several business groups have high interest in this market and continually set up home shopping channels or even buy out existing channels in order to increase their market shares. This study aims to analyze the market barriers of entry in Taiwan's home shopping channel market. In addition, it examines how market incumbents construct market barriers to prevent newcomers from entering the blooming market. Meanwhile, this study also tries to explore how newcomers strive to survive by practicing competitive strategies. This study finds that the strategies of incumbents to build up market barriers are as follows: economies of scale, product differentiation, vertical integration, and multiple sales channels. As for newcomers, their strategies include: buying out existing channels or acquiring existing cable systems as channel platforms.