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Pseudophakic Retinal Detachment after YAG Laser Posterior Capsulotomy


視網膜剝離是白內障手術併人工晶體植入後,最嚴重的併發症之一,而在手術中,玻璃體脫出和玻璃體組織化扮演著重要的角色。雅各雷射後囊切開也許會使玻璃體產生變化,並引起偽晶體網膜剝離。從1991年元月到1992年12月,我們統計2,394個作過雅各雷射後囊切開術的病例中,有13例(12個病人)產生偽晶體網膜剝離,其發生率是0.54%,就視網膜剝離所包含的象限而言,包含一個象限的有1個病例,二個象限的有6個病例,三個象限的有3個病例,四個象限的有3個病例。就網膜裂孔所在位置而言,我們的統計,以下顳側象限(Infero-temporal guadrant)為最多。手術方面,所有的病例均接受玻璃體切除術與(或)鞏膜扣壓術,視網膜最後均貼回原來的解剖位置。視力方面,手術後有11例改善,2例沒有進步。




Retinal detachment is one of the most serious complications after intraocular lens implantation. Vitreous prolapse during surgery and subsequent vitreous organization play an important role for this episode. It is well known that YAG laser posterior capsulotomy might influence the vitreous degeneration and cause the pseudophakic retinal detachment. Since Jan. 1991 till Dec. 1992, we collected 12 p'ts (13 eyes) of pseudophakic retinal detachment after YAG laser posterior capsulotomy from 2394 cases who received YAG capsulotomy at the same period. The incidence is 0.54%. The retinal detachment involved the quadrant of 1 in 1 case, 2 in 6 cases, 3 in 3 cases, and 4 in 3 cases. The retinal breaks are mostly found in temporal lower quadrant. All the cases received vitrectomy and scleral buckling procedures with final successful attachment of the retina. The visual results are: improved in 11 eyes and stationary in 2 eyes.
