  • 期刊


A Medical Communication Portal with a Smart Query Interface


隨著資訊與通訊的不斷進步,計算與通訊的費用愈來愈低,但是人力則隨著國家的進步,而愈來愈昂貴。因此企業莫不重視資訊和通訊的建設,以提升經營的效能、促進溝通、增加團隊合作,同時也可提升員工的滿意度和對企業體的認同感。醫療的作業環境比其他企業要複雜許多,因此對通訊的需求和通訊的行為模式也比較特殊。醫療通訊方面的研究顯示:醫療作業中對各種通訊管道的運用還有很大的改善空間。我們認為在複雜的醫療環境中,有必要提供多重通訊管道供不同緊急程度的事情使用,並提高其使用的方便性,以節省人力、提升經營效能、促進溝通、減少對病情的誤判或疏失。為此,我們提出一個醫療通訊最佳化的概念模型,並且實做了一套限院內使用的「整合型員工通訊目錄」系統,做為使用各種通訊管道的入口站(包括呼叫器中文簡訊),讓員工可以自行登錄自己的各種連絡管道與使用偏好,系統也會即時顯示醫師是否正在門診中,以及人員休假的動態訊息,以減少不必要的干擾和無效的通訊。或許因為都使用英文記載病歷的關係,醫療人員對中文輸入相對上比較不熟練,所以我們特別設計了「免輸入中文」的快速查詢介面以降低中文輸入的阻礙,並針對「姓名首碼查詢法」進行模擬分析 以確定其實用性。


醫療通訊 通訊錄 中文輸入


As information technology advances, the cost of computing and communication goes down, but the cost of human resource goes up. Therefore, an enterprise has to place emphasis on resources to maintain a good communication infrastructure to satisfy employees, improve teamwork, and lead to better performance and productivity. As the operations of healthcare are much more complex than other businesses, the requirements and behavior of communication in healthcare are also quite distinct. Researches on the medical communication field found that there is currently a large room for improvement in medical communication. In a complex healthcare environment, various communication channels are necessary for matters of varied degrees of urgency. We therefore propose a concept model of optimized medical communication and, based on the model, implement an ”integrated electronic employee directory” (DIR) to serve as a portal for various communication channels. This system allows employees to maintain their own contact information as well as their using profiles and preferences. DIR shows whether an employee is off duty and also indicates whoever takes over his or her post. DIR also shows whether a doctor is servicing outpatients, as not to be bothered by non-urgent calls. In Taiwan, medical records are written in English, and medical professionals commonly lack proficiency in Chinese input. We therefore designed a smart query interface, which can be used in pure English mode, to ease their difficulty in Chinese input. We also performed simulations to demonstrate the practicability of using terse phonic-index to query Chinese names.
