  • 期刊


Towards Plug-and-Play Interoperability:A Wireless Medical Monitoring System Based on ISO/IEEE x73 Standards


隨著高齡人口越來越多之趨勢,以及慢性疾病越來越高之發生率,相對的醫療人力及物力呈現不足,已形成全球之嚴重問題。因此,如何在有限之人力及物力下,增進與日俱增病患之照護品質,將是健康照護之一大挑戰。現今,遠距居家之個人健康照護系統,不斷的被提出或討論,其有機會解決此一問題。然而,現有的遠距居家照護系統均為各家廠商自行開發的封閉式私有系統。不同種類的醫療器材無法與相同種類的應用伺服設備互相操作,反之亦然。因此,在個人健康照護生態系統中,對於多種類的醫療器材與應用伺服設備能達到彼此互通與量測資訊共享,存在一個無法避免之需求。本研究提出一個新的二合一生理監測系統,使醫療器材能夠將生理參數透過無線連結之方式傳輸到網路上之應用伺服設備。此生理監測系統基於ISO/IEEE 11073國際標準,提供一個互通性的平台,使個人健康照護系統透過藍芽健康器材概廓介面,能夠互相交換符合醫療資訊交換通訊協定之ISO/IEEE11073-20601標準,以及設備規格之ISO/ IEEE11073-104zz系列標準。此二合一生理監測系統具備多生理參數功能,能同時提供血糖及血壓之測量,並為獲得Continua Health Alliance認證之生理監測系統。此生理監測系統除了符合國際醫療器材通訊標準外,還提供和已通過Continua Health Alliance認證的其他醫療器材之相互操作性。基於此二合一無線生理監測系統提供之平台,醫療器材之間能夠互連且相互操作,並在個人化之網域中彼此交換生理資訊。


The number of elderly people in the population is rising, together with the incidence of chronic disease, but the relative number of physicians and nurses is insufficient, which is becoming a serious global problem. Hence, improvements in the quality of care for an increasing number of patients using limited human and financial resources presents an important challenge in healthcare. Currently, telecare services involving personal tele-health systems are being discussed in recognition of their potential in overcoming this challenge. However, the tele-health system designed and implemented by specific company is currently proprietary. Different types of medical device cannot communicate with the same application hosting device, and vice versa. There is a necessary need for intercommunication and exchange measurement data among the various medical devices and application hosting devices within the personal healthcare ecosystem. This study proposes a new 2-in-1 medical monitoring system, enabling medical devices to transmit vital sign data to an application hosting device on a network via a wireless link. The medical monitoring system is based on international standards, providing an interoperable platform on which personal healthcare systems can exchange measurement data compliant with the data exchange protocol ISO/IEEE 11073-20601 and data device specifications of ISO/IEEE 11073-104zz series of standards via a Bluetooth HDP interface. The 2-in-1 medical monitoring system is the first dual-meter device providing both blood glucose and blood pressure measurements certified by International Organization, Continua Health Alliance. This medical monitoring system meets conformance requirements as well as basic interoperability requirements with other Continua certified devices. Based on the platform of 2-in-1 medical monitoring system proposed, medical devices can interconnect and interoperate with other medical devices and exchange healthcare information over a wireless personal area network.
