  • 期刊


The Influence of the Elders' Involvement in Social Networking Sites on their Successful Aging


醫療科技的進步帶動公共衛生及對疾病治療的改善,再加上人們養生保健觀念的提升,使其平均餘命逐年提高。然而,平均餘命的延伸再加上生育率的下降是主要影響人口高齡化的兩個因素,如何因應高齡社會引發之衝擊與需求,已成為各國政府共同關注的議題,老化相關研究亦相繼被學界提出,其中最被廣泛探討的即為成功老化。由於近年來電腦及網際網路的普及,加上社群網站的興起,高齡者也開始透過社群網站和家人朋友保持聯繫及尋找從前的朋友等,根據調查顯示,未來社群網站將會是高齡者生活中不可或缺的社交平台之一。但社群網站是否能影響高齡者成功老化?則是尚未被提出的研究議題。因此,本研究以準實驗法方式教導高齡者學習使用社群網站,確保每位長者皆能熟悉使用,並透過問卷量表蒐集資料,調查社群網站的涉入對其成功老化的影響。經偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS)分析結果顯示,高齡者於社群中涉入程度顯著影響成功老化之心理及社會層面。本結果能提供政府推廣高齡教育以及社會參與方案之參考。


成功老化 涉入 社群網站


Advances in medical technologies to improve public health and treatment of disease and conepts of promoting people's healthcare increased the average life expectancy of Taiwanness annually. However, the rate of fertility is declining. Above two main factors increase the aging population and push the government to face the issues of triggered demands by aging society. This issues have became an international concern, and aging-related studies have been proposed by scolars worldwide. One of the most widely discussed issues is successful aging. Due to computers and Internet are popular in recent years that promote the rise of social networking sites (SNS). Meanwhile, the elderly began to use SNS to maintain contact with family and friends, to search former friends, and to seek online social support. According to a survey, the social networking sites in the future will become one of the important social platforms for elders. However, can SNS influence on elders successful aging is yet a research issue to be proposed. Therefore, a quasi-experiment was conducted to teach the elders to use the SNS-FaceBook and questionnaires were sent to evaluate the their perceptions of impacts of the SNS based on extent of their involvement to SNS. Partial Least Squares was used to analye the data and to validate the research model. The results showed that elders’ involvment of SNS would enhance their successful aging in term of mental and social perspectives. This study provides a reference for the government to promot elderlies’ education and social interaction to achieve successful aging.
