  • 期刊


The Study of Undergraduate Freshmen Using Health Examination Information System - an Example of a National University


健康檢查是新生入學時,學校所施行的健康篩檢,經由初步檢驗即早發現潛在疾病,以協助學生矯正或治療。近幾年學者研究健康檢查資料分析結果,大學生慢性病問題逐漸顯現,大學生必須提早關心自己的健康。由於資訊科技的進步,大學生使用資源習慣的改變,學校應將健康的資源轉型成電子資料,以協助學生養成健康的習慣,改變生活型態,改善其健康問題。因此,本研究旨在探討影響大學新生使用健康檢查資訊系統的因素,進而建構更符合大學生所需的健康檢查資訊系統。本研究為橫斷面的研究,以DeLone and McLean資訊系統成功模式為理論架構,並參考Xu, Benbasat, and Cenfetelli (2013)學者所發展之結構式問卷作為構面衡量工具。以某國立大學新生為研究對象,回收有效問卷306份,採用SPSS 21.0版及SmartPLS 2.0 M3版軟體進行統計分析。研究結果顯示:健康檢查資訊系統之系統品質的可靠性、可近性、靈活性及即時性,資訊品質的流通性、完整性、格式及準確性對滿意度均有顯著影響,系統的滿意度對資訊的滿意度有顯著影響,系統的滿意度、資訊的滿意度及主觀規範對使用意願有顯著影響,使用意願對個人效益有顯著影響,故建議學校應加強健康檢查資訊系統的系統品質與資訊品質,經由學生對健康檢查資訊系統滿意度的提升,以促進其持續使用的意願,進而提升個人健康效益。


Undergraduate freshmen are required to take medical examination as health screening when they are admitted to universities, so potential diseases can be detected and receive corrections or treatments as early as possible. According to the recent studies, the problems of chronic diseases emerge in university students and should be taken care earlier. Because of the advances in information technology that result in the resources utilization changes among university students, health resources information should be converted to electronic data which help them develop health habits and change life styles to improve their health. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the factors affected freshmen using the health examination information system, and further construct a suitable model for universities. We conducted a cross-sectional study using the structural questionnaire adapted from the theory of Information Systems Success Model created by DeLone and McLean, and refer to the constructs of Xu, Benbasat, and Cenfetelli (2013). This study collected 306 questionnaires from freshmen of a national university, and SPSS (version 21.0) and SmartPLS (version 2.0 M3) were used for the statistical analyses. The results showed that the "Reliability", "Accessibility", "Flexibility" and "Timeliness" of the "System Quality", and the "Currency", "Completeness", "Format" and "Accuracy" of the "Information Quality" had affected freshmen's Satisfaction significantly. The "System Satisfaction" also significantly affected the "Information Satisfaction". Moreover, we found the "System Satisfaction", "Information Satisfaction" and "Subjective Norm" affected the "Intension to use", and the "Intention to use" affected the "Individual Impact". Therefore, we suggest that universities should improve "System quality" and "Information quality" of the health examination information system to increase students' Satisfaction and Intention for their personal health benefits enhancement.
