  • 期刊


Wan Ting-Yan's Thought of Yi-Jing-A Preliminary Treatise


宋明兩代之心學派於易學研究相當盛行,從陸象山始,直至明末劉蕺山,均留心過《周易》之學,對易理的闡發,心學一系確有其特殊見解與貢獻。本文選取明代中葉心學家萬廷言的易學思想做為研究主題,因為其人之易學有兩項特點足供後人參究:其一,宋明兩代之心學易學家大部分都集中在六十四卦之卦、爻辭的解 釋,甚少論及《河圖》、《洛書》與五行、易數。有嘗試討論這方面的議題者,王畿是其中之一,明末劉宗周也有關於這方面的闡述,但二人的說明仍嫌簡略,析理不夠深入,唯萬廷言於《圖》、《書》、五行等有深刻的剖析與研究,甚能將易數、五行生剋及方位變動與心學結合起來,成功論證出心體果為宇宙氣化之根源。其二,萬廷言的心學深受陽明後學聶豹、羅洪先之「主靜歸寂」說的影響,因之,其易學理論不自覺地依循歸寂說之綱要而開展,此於他反覆強調「退藏於密」之論述可以得知;而「退藏於密」之深義也廣泛為萬廷言引用,通貫他的全部易學理論。這是相當異於其他心學家的地方,但也是萬氏展現其本體宇宙論之玄思最精采的地方。是以本文取萬廷言之易學概論之。


The Neo-Confucians of the mind-heart school in Song and Ming Dynasty were enthusiastic to study the book of Yi-Jing. From Lu Xiangshan until Liu Zongzhou, they all once devoted themselves to study Yi-Jing and made many valuable contributions. In this article we focus our attention on Wan Ting-Yan's interpretation of Yi-Jing for the following reasons: Firstly, the interpretations of Neo-Confucians in the mind-heart school on Yi-Jing focused mostly on the Hexagramms and line statements (yaoci), but did not on the "Yellow River Chart" and the "inscription of the River Luo", as well as the symbols and numeration of Yi Jing. The reason for this might be that it was so difficult for them to discuss, but Wan Ting-Yan made a deep analysis in this aspect of Yi Jing Study. Secondly, Wan Ting-Yan's understanding of Yi Jing was influenced very much by the followers of Wang Yangming, especially by Luo Honxian's theory of standing for quietude and returning to stillness. Therefore, Wan Ting-Yan again and again developed his interpretation according to the idea of returning to stillness, as it is manifested in his repeated emphasis on the theory of "going back to profundity" (tui cang yu mi). From this point of view to examine Wan Ting-Yan's study of Yi-Jing, we can conclude that his thought of Yi Jing is very different from his contemporaries. This is also the reason why it is attractive for me to be engaged in Wan Ting-Yan's interpretation of Yi Jing.


