  • 期刊


Exploring the Relationship between the Form Feature and the Style Evolution-Using Loop Chair Designs as Examples




Designers should develop the unique design languages and rules by mining from their own culture and tradition. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between the feature as well as typicality and image of chair designs on the operation of style evolution. And Chinese loop-chairs were used as examples to investigate the users' cognition of style evolution, from traditional to modern style. The cognitive experiment was conducted to identify the typicality effect in style category membership of modern Chinese style. According to the relative research the critical factors influencing the cognition of style evolution were the features and the degrees of feature transformation. For identifying the optimal operation of the feature transformation, a fuzzy evaluation was conducted by the experts. Multiple linear regression then was applied to analyze the relationship between the typicality of these designs and the form features, i.e. the typicality evaluated result treated as dependent variables, and fuzzy evaluation on design features of these designs as independent variables. The results indicated that these features: armrest, back-plank and structure were the critical factors for perceiving and recognizing style. Furthermore Quantification Ⅰ was applied to obtain the weights of the form features for users' typicality evaluation, and the design reference model developed. For comparing the difference between the traditional and modernized styles on image perception and typicality of these designs, a SD test then was held. Factor analysis was conducted on the SD evaluation data, and three main factors of the users’ image perception and expression, including shape factor, strength factor and aesthetic factor, were extracted. Cluster analysis was conducted on the factor scores obtained from factor analysis. By comparing the clustering of these designs indicated that the users' image perception and the typicality of these design were relative.


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