  • 期刊


A Study of Formal Concept in the Symphonic Poem "Die Ideale" of Liszt




李斯特 交響詩 標題音樂 形式


”Die Ideale” after Schiller's verses is the only symphonic poem in which Liszt puts the poetic fragments and adds his own words before the related musical sections. The texts clearly decide the course of music. Formalists disapprove of this kind of connection between non-musical and musical elements. By examining the musical course as a whole however, is there really no music form in it? What were the possible purposes of the composer to insert the poetic fragments before their related musical sections except to express the meanings of the music more precisely? At the beginning of this paper the aesthetical debate and researches of this composition will be discussed. To find out formal features of the sonata form and the cyclic form through the compositional techniques such as the motive coherence, tonal planning, and tempos change is the next step, and the so-called double structural function or multi movements in one movement and the role of the theme transformation played in them will also be considered. Finally, an analysis of Liszt's ways of insertion will be done in order to find out whether it is possible by cutting and adding new words that the conventional form schemata could be revealed, so that ”Die Ideale” becomes a work of his own category.


Franz Liszt Symphonic poem program music form


(1886).Eduard Hanslick, CBncerte, Componisten und Virtuosen der letzten fünfzehn Jahre.Berlin:
(1894).`»die Ideale« (Symphonie en trBis parties)` Franz Liszt, Briefe.Leipzig:Breitkopf.
Alfred Heuß(1911).Zeitschrift der Internationale Musikwissenschaft.
Carl Dahlhaus,Carl Dahlhaus (Edited)(1980).Die Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts (.Wiesbaden:Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AthenaiBn.
Carl Dahlhaus,Carl Dahlhaus (Edited)(1980).Die Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts (.Laaber:Laaber.


