  • 期刊


The Functional Knowledge of Object Features in Idea Sketching




This research illustrates an empirical study to investigate the role of functional knowledge in idea sketching and its implications on cognition. The consequences of this study provides evidence that the functional knowledge may not only interact with geometrical features to support recall during visualization, but also encourage a new way of discoveries on those shapes. The structure of sketching behavior reflects either reference to geometrical structures and part configurations or to functional knowledge of objects when visualizing them from memory. Functional knowledge also appears to influence designers’ sketching activities, from part-by-part sketching to non-part-by-part sketching, when visualizing multifunctional object parts, and to interact with incomplete sketches so as to complete perception and recognition processes. This suggests an intimate relationship between cognitive and perceptual processes which operate to facilitate recall and externalization. The comprehensive investigation of sketching behavior serves as the groundwork for future approaches to understanding the relationship of sketching behavior and design thinking during the idea development process.


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