  • 期刊

Molecular Systematics of the Thornfishes Genera Terapon and Pelates (Perciformes: Teraponidae) with Reference to the New Genus Pseudoterapon



臺灣常見之花身雞魚(Terapon jarbua)、條紋雞魚(T. theraps)及四線雞魚(Pelates quadrilineatus)等三種外形酷似之雞魚科魚類,能由本文表一所示之若干基因座之某些固定基因位點之呈現而輕易區分,用以印證上述雞魚確呈不同獨立種地位。若進一步權衡數值偏低得自同功異構酶之0.321-0.454 Nei氏不偏遺傳相似度0.321-0.454(遺傳距離0.790-1.137)以及粒線體去氧核醣核酸7.3%-10.9%之核甘酸鹼基差異度,則三種間之地位不應有從屬的關係,而宜分隸三個不同的屬別。由Nei氏不偏遺傳相似數值看來,條紋雞魚(T. theraps)與同屬之花身雞魚(T. jarbua)間所得到之極低數值(0.441),以及無論由同功異構酶及mtDNA資料所架構出的系統圖,均顯現不出此同屬之二種雞魚間有聯結的情形,益增條紋雞魚(T. theraps)有由原來之Terapon自立為一個新屬的可能性(擬花身雞魚屬Pseudoterapon)。Pseudoterapon與Terapon主要的差別在於具有較大型之鱗片、鋤骨及顎骨均無齒,體部若有水平側帶,則排列平直而不呈弧形,以及若干分子生物學分析出來的差異。


The aim of this study is to clarify whether the systematic status of 3 externally similar thornfishes can be resolved to posit them at specific or generic levels by using allozyme electrophoresis and partial 12S rRNA sequences of mitochondrial DNA. Three externally similar thornfishes, Terapon jarbua, T. theraps, and Pelates quadrilineatus, can be distinguished by several fixed isozyme loci: IDHP-2*, LDH-A*, LDH-B*, MDH-1*, MDH-2*, SDH-1*, SOD-1*, SOD-2*, and SOD-3*. Nei's unbiased genetic identity of isozymes ranged 0.321-0.454 (or distance 0.790-1.137), and the nucleotide base difference of mtDNA ranged 7.3%-10.9% among the 3 species, enabling them to posit as 3 separate genera. Nei's genetic similarity between congeneric T. theraps and T. jarbua (0.441) is very low. The position of T. theraps with T. jarbua on the trees constructed from both isozyme and mtDNA data show similar profiles of grouping on separate nodes. This may support T. theraps being removed from the genus Terapon as an independent new genus, Pseudoterapon. The main diagnostic morphological characters distinguishing Pseudoterapon from Terapon are: larger scales, absence of teeth on vomer and palatines, and horizontal dark stripes on body sides.


Thornfishes Pseudoterapon n. gen. Allozyme mtDNA
