  • 期刊


The Growth Mechanism of Polycrystalline Thin-Film Diamond Fabricated by Microwave Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition




Thin film diamond is a wide-bandgap semiconductor with outstanding physical and electronic properties making it a promising material suitable for high-power, high-temperature electronic applications. In this study, diamond films deposited at different combinations of processing parameters, including carbon/hydrogen ratio, microwave power, flow rate and deposition pressure, were fabricated to investigate the growth mechanism diamond films. The characterization techniques used in this systematic study included Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and conductivity measurements. It was found that carbon/hydrogen ratio and microwave power were the most important parameters while flow rate and deposition pressure were relatively unimportant in the determining the physical properties of diamond films. It was also found that the conductivities observed in diamond films were not the intrinsic conductivity. Instead, the observed conductivity was in fact the direct reflection of the impurities or other defect states present in the diamond films. Experimental results showed that the chemical reaction involved in the deposition of thin-film diamond was an exothermic reaction in nature. In addition, it could be deduced that the deposition process of thin-film diamond is limited by surface chemical reaction rate.
