  • 期刊


Bridging the Gap between Romanization Systems of Taiwanese and Taiwan Mandarin


七成的台灣民眾雖然以福佬台語做母語,但大都看不懂福佬台語的拼音符號,其主因之一是羅馬拼音系統的混亂,計分成三類:1.甲式拼音內部的混亂;2.甲式與乙式拼音之間的混亂;3.乙式拼音內部的混亂。本研究集中克服乙式拼音內部的混亂,克服原則有二:1.福佬乙式拼音與福佬甲式拼音盡可能通用;2.福佬乙式拼音與台灣華語拼音盡可能通用。研究結果發現,福佬台語乙式拼音與台灣華語拼音發音相近的176個音節,其拼音符號設計成本研究界 定為相同者,約達92.61%(163個)。其次,本研究界定為發音不同但拼寫符號卻設計成相同的音節有19個,計分成三類,這三類的混淆並不難克服。整體而言,本研究發展簡明的台語音節表(787個音節),其拼音系統可以與台灣華語(410個音節)的拼音系統互為通用,達到正向遷移效果。


More than seventy percent of people in Taiwan are native speakers of Taiwanese, but most of them find difficulty in understanding the way of romanizing this language. A major reason is that different systems for romanizing Taiwanese have confused the speakers. This paper argues that the number of the systems for romanizing the language should be reduced to two: System A and System B. The study is focused on discussing the compatibility between romanization systems of Taiwan Mandarin and the romnanization system B of Taiwanese. The results show that Taiwanese and Taiwan Mandarin share with each other 176 syllables which have the same pronunciations in these two languages. Ninety-two percent (163) of this group of syllables can be rendered into the same phonetic transcriptions shared by the romanization systems of the two languages. Moreover, the study shows that 19 syllables have different pronunciations in the two languages, but they can be rendered into the same phonetic transcriptions shared by the two languages. These 19 syllables can be categorized into three groups. The confusion between the syllables which have different pronunciations in Taiwanese and Taiwan Mandarin but are rendered into the same phonetic transcriptions can be easily avoided. The system for romanizing Taiwanese comprised of 787 syllables is devised. This new system has a ”positive transfer” effect on language learning, because it is compatible with romanization systems of Taiwan Mandarin consisting of 410 syllables.


