  • 期刊


The Effect of Consumer's Psychological Cognition on Packaging Visual Design


包裝視覺要素設計,若能很快的與消費者的心理認知一致,則很容易打動消費者的心,進而購買。因此本研究目的即在藉由消費者心理認知觀點,探討業者及設計者如何設計飲料包裝之視覺設計要素。在研究方法中實驗測試所採用的有產品名稱區辨測試以及飲料包裝圖案與色彩之評價,其所採取的方法是史德培尺度法(Staple scale)。而研究結果顯示飲料包裝的設計原則:1.碳酸飲料類:以「文字圖案」為視覺焦點的表現方式在圖案容易辨識出產品的評價中得到認同,其佔包裝正面面積二分之一強,色彩以暖色系為主以符合年輕人的人格特質。2.奶茶類:紅牌草莓奶茶其在產品名稱認知度雖為最低,但其圖案容易辨識出產品評價中為最優,其主要的原因與阿薩姆草莓奶茶有混淆的情況,因此在設計時除了「口味」的訴求表現外,更應塑造「品牌」整體的意象,方能在消費者心中留下深刻的記憶。3.果汁類:由於其包裝的表現方式均以具像插畫或實物攝影的方式表現,且置於正面包裝的中間位置,因此受測者在產品辨識上強,但也因此在創意的表現上受到了限制,另一項尤需注意的則是在品牌上容易混淆,因此廠商之商標應置於容易辨識之處。4.咖啡類:由於咖啡非本土飲用習慣,因此其認知度低,換言之,要掌握多數人對咖啡的共同意象為當務之急,而統一冰咖啡除了有冰的感覺外,並無咖啡的意象,因此在顏色的選擇上以咖啡色系較符合大多數的認知,否則就必須仿效韋恩350咖啡,跳脫慣用的咖啡色,提高消費者的注意。5.紅茶類:其中以立頓紅茶及泰山冰鎮紅茶評價最好,主要的原因係為立頓紅茶及泰山冰鎮紅茶圖案充分表現出冰涼的感覺,色彩亦與產品名稱相契合,符合消費者的心理認知因此理解性、辨識度高。期望藉此研究能建構一套完整且具體之飲料包裝設計原則,提高消費者對飲料包裝視覺之認知度,深信對產業的發展有極大的幫助。


One of the important packaging issues is to explore how a designer can make the vision design of the beverage packaging agree with the consumer's psychological cognition. Therefore, the main purposes of this study are to synthesize form the different variety of visual designs of beverage packaging in order to build up consumer's correct cognition and to provide the packaging business and designers a future goal. The experimental testing of this study is divided into two parts: 1. Brand name discrimination testing. This is a test before the learning of brand names. The other is a test after learning the brand names. 2. The evaluation of the graphics and colors of the beverage packaging. This part is to test the subjects' evaluation of graphics and colors of the beverages packaging in order to see the consumers preferred ones. The statistical analysis of the data collected for this experimental design shows the following four findings: 1. The results of One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed the significant difference between pre-learning and post-learning of brand names discrimination. The rate of the subjects accuracy was increased through learning the brand names. The results showed that there was a significant difference in recognizing the packaging of milk-tea, juice, and black tea. 2. The results of One-way ANOVA revealed that there was statistically significant difference for the different gender in the brand name discrimination test, and for the categories of milk-tea, coffee, and black tea. 3. The results of One-way ANOVA showed that there was a statistically significant difference for different ages in the brand name discrimination test. 4. The mean average and standard deviation of the evaluation of different packaging showed that the category of juice was the highest among all five. A complete and concrete principle for the design of beverage packaging is set up by the findings of this study. The cognition of consumers' beverage packaging vision expectedly is enhanced. Furthermore, the findings of this study improve the quality and value of beverage packaging, and as a means of enhancing the international image and status of the national beverage packaging. The researcher concludes that immediate speed in developing this visual packaging concept will greatly benefit the packaging industry.


