  • 期刊



國外許多研究均指出,研究發展與行銷的互動、整合與新產品發展有密切的關係,但國內有關此方鄉面之研究卻比較有限,因此本研究針對國內電子資訊業、化學業及機械業,探討行銷資訊的可信度與研究發展的新產品發展績效的相關性,也同時研究組織運作是否對行銷資訊的可信度及新產品發展績效產生影響。 從本研究發現,行銷資訊可信度與新產品發展績效的相關性並不如想像中高。高績效群與低績效群之間只有資訊的被接受及行銷主管的公平、可信賴性有差異。Cupta的研究卻顯示行銷資訊可信度與新產品發展績效的相關性非常高,與本研究有相當的不同。而在本研究中組織運作與行銷資訊可信度具有相當高的正相關,亦即當研究發展行銷部門的合作階段愈早,組織正式化程度愈高,集權程度愈低,高層管理人員愈鼓勵創新、支持合作,且對研究發展與行銷二部門的獎懲愈公平,則行銷資訊被認為較具有可信度。但是,組織運作及行銷資訊可信度與新產品發展績效的相關性卻很低,這與國外的研究有相當的不同,可能因國內環境不同所致,所隱含的可能是技術落後,及管理缺失,值得國內業者加以關心。


It was proved by many studies that there are close relatiouship among R & D-marketing interaetion, integration and new product development performance. But few of paper were found in domestic. Therefore, this study investigates the relatiouship of marketing information credibility and new product develoment performance of R & D, and the influences of organization operation to the interaction of marketing and R&D. It revealed low relationship betweev marketing information credibility and new product devrlopment performance. High performance group and low performance group differed only in the information acceptation and the fair, credibility of marketing manager. Also, organization operation and new product development performance without obvious relationship. But Gupta' study indicated contrary conclusions. It may caused by difference of invironment, the technology falling behind western country, and the managemeut shortage. However, high relationship between oiganization operation and marketing information credibility in Gupta study was proved in this study.
