  • 期刊


An Integrated Model for Customer Relationship Maintenance on the Internet


隨著網際網路無遠弗屆的影響,顧客與企業關係建立與維繫的方式也受到衝擊,企業瞭解線上顧客關係的建立與維繫已是迫切的議題。少有研究調查網際網路在關係行銷的角色。本研究目的是瞭解網際網路上的顧客關係,探討影響線上顧客關係的因素及維繫基礎,並以結構方程模式來驗証模式各變數间的因果關係。 研究結果發現顧客關係維繫受兩種動機所影響,一種是歸屬基礎之動機(線上顧客真誠地想要維繫關係,即信任),另一種是限制基礎之動機(線上顧客別無選擇,即依賴),而限制力量較歸屬力量更能強化線上顧客關係。同時,網站、顧客及互動三方面的因素都會影響兩種關係維繫動機,網站專業知識、終止成本、顧客關係特定投資及互動頻次會使線上顧客產生依賴感;網站專業知識、隱私權的重視及互動滿意度會使線上顧客產生信任感。研究結果可作為企業界未來訂定網際網路關係行銷政策時的參考。


Internet is transforming the customers and sellers relationships. Understanding why customers are receptive to relationships with companies on Internet is an emerging issue in relationship marketing. Little research has been done to investigate the enabler role of Internet in relationship marketing theory and practice. The purpose of this study is to explore the customer relationship on the Internet. The study examines the factors influencing online customer relationship and the relationship maintenance basis. A structural equation modeling is developed to test the casual effects between variables. The study shows that online customers maintain relationships because of constraints (they have to stay in the relationship or dependence) and dedication (they want to stay in the relationship or trust). While these dual motivations have effect on customer relationship, constraint-based relationship is the strongest predictor of relationship maintenance. The results indicate that three broad drivers-web site variables, customer variables, and interaction variables-affect the dual customer motivation. The constraint-based relationship is influenced by website expertise, termination costs, customer relationship specific investment and frequency of interaction; and the dedication-based relationship is influenced by website expertise, privacy emphasizing and interaction satisfaction. The results enable a firm to understand the roles of Internet on relationship marketing and to develop Internet strategy effectively.


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