  • 期刊

Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.) Juice by Steam Distillation-Extraction and Solid Phase Microextraction Coupled with GC/AED and GC/MS



Morinda citrifolia (Rubiaceae)在台灣稱之爲諾麗果,常見於夏威夷與大溪地,普遍認爲是由早期玻利維亞居民帶至夏威夷島。果實外觀爲黃綠色而且形狀很像手榴彈,最大可長至約12公分。成熟的果實具有特殊的風味,研究發現其可能具有促進免疫系統而抑制癌細胞的功能。近年來諾麗果汁在美國以保健食品的形式販售。本研究目的是探討諾麗果汁的揮發性成分。揮發性成分是以固相微萃取法(SPME)與水蒸氣蒸餾萃取法(SDE)萃取。利用氣相層析質譜儀(GC/MS)與氣相層析原子發射偵測器(GC/AED)分析,鑑定出有機酸、醛類、酮類、醇類、酯類、萜類與六個有機硫化物。這些有機硫化物對諾麗果汁的特殊風味可能十分重要。SPME對高揮發性低沸點的揮發性成分靈敏度較高;SDE則具有較高的萃取容量而且對較高沸點的揮發性成分靈敏度較高。SPME與SDE可以提供互補性的結果,如能同時使用將可對食品的揮發性成分有更深入的了解。


Morinda citrifolia (Rubiaceae), also known as noni, is a plant found in the Hawaiian and Tahitian islands. It is considered as one of the most important plants brought to Hawaii by the first Polynesians. The yellow fruits have a distinctive ”grenade-like” shape and can grow up to a size of 12 cm. It has a foul taste and a soapy smell when ripe. It was proposed that the fruits of noni might suppress the growth of tumors by stimulating the immune system. In recent years, noni juice has been sold in the US market as a nutraceutical supplement. Here we addressed the volatile compounds in the fresh and ripe noni fruits. Carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, esters, terpenes and six organosulfur compounds were isolated by SDE and SPME, and further identified by GC/AED and GC/MS. The sulfur compounds identified may make a major contribution to the characteristic flavor of noni fruit juice. SPME is useful to recover low boiling point and low molecular weigh compounds; in contrast, SDE owns higher extraction capacity and higher recovery for polar compounds. SPME and SDE can provide complementary information; when use together, a deep understanding of aroma profile of food systems can be expected.
