  • 期刊


An Inquiry of Petrochemical Workers' Career Strategies: A Case Study from the Perspective of Strategic Actor


本研究以高雄林園石化工業區為調查工作進行之田野,分二階段針對林園鄉石化工業大廠工人與非石化業工人進行訪問,以期了解石化業技術工人生涯發展之路徑與策略之特性。 本研究建立了七個家庭歷史的個案及一個生涯策略與路徑的案例。通過這八個案例的分析,針對地區性產業結構變化、地方政經資源、家庭資產與工人生涯機會、策略與路徑的關係進行描述分析。研究者並因此一案例過程改變原有之假設命題,發展出視工人為行動主體的描述性生涯概念。


This research is a two year case study. Kao-Hsiung Lin-Yuan County was the field site, eight workers and their families were our major subjects. The research goal of this study is to inquire and describe the relationship between the social conditions or structural constraints the workers have experienced and their career strategies. By developing cases and through an analysis of the workers' family and life histories, structural features of career opportunities were identified and described in relation to the petrochemical workers' career coping strategies. The analysis also emphasized on the differences between the local resident petrochemical workers who have richer family heritage and those who do not have. Futhermore, one case of a petrochemical skilled-worker who owns a richer family heritage and who already committed himself in the local political election was developed and described.


