  • 期刊


Men's Law, Men's State, Men's Family: The Family Code and Women's Status


我國民法親屬編一部以父、夫爲尊的法律。於其中,經由衆多法條之間或明或隱的相互牽涉,兩性間的尊卑、主從關係跟輩份間的尊卑、主從關係,層層疊架,相互盤繞,使得爲人妻、母、媳者的權利與尊嚴受到無限度的剝奪。爲此,婦運團體從1992年起,展開難鉅的修法運動;行政機構於1994年間開始予以積極回應,立法院則於1995年上半年會期正式展開修法的程序。但是,這一波修法運動所面對的社會,對法律背後的父權意識形態並沒有充分的認識,修法的美意顯然將會大打折扣。在前述背景之下,本文嘗試從平等的觀點,透析那鎮踞著現行民法的父權巨靈。 底下的論文分爲四部份,依民法親屬編各章節的順序,討論其有違兩性平等的原則的條文,第一部份討論婚姻的身份效力,第二部份討論離婚,第三部份討論親子與認領,第四部份討論親子與夫妻關係在非核心家庭、大家族以及國家、國際層面的延伸,此一部份致力於分析民法親屬編「扶養」、「家」、「親屬會議」三章以及國藉法與涉外民事法律適用法中的相關條文。此種格式,係爲方便參考,以達到積極參與修法運動的本文寫作目的。


The Family Code currently in enforement in Taiwan upholds the principles of male supremacy and of seniority. The father and the husband are given a superior position accompanied with exploitative prerogatives. Through the profoundly complex interaction between the unfair sexual relations and generational relations, the wife, the mother, and the daughter-in-law can be, and are often, deprived to an astonishing degree of their rights and dignity. Therefore, in 1992, women victimized by the Faminly Code and feminist organizations joined force and started the struggle for the revision of the Family Code. Finally, this year, the Legislative Yuan begins the procedure of revising the law. To be able to effectively update the law, what we urgently need is a clear understanding of the ideology of partiarchy embedded in the current law. This paper is written for this specific purpose. In accordance with the divisions of the Family Code, the paper contains four parts, which deals respectively with: (1) the general effects of marriage, (2) divorce, (3) parent-child relations, and (4) domestic relations in non-nuclear families and traditional families, and also the extension or implication of these relations at the national and international levels. In each part, the individual articles will be analyzed and, when necessary, compared ”intertexually” with corresponding social phenomena; then, at the end of each part, suggestions for the revision of the discussed articles will be offered. This format is designed to help achieve the purpose of this paper-that is, to actively influence the revision of the Family Code.


