  • 期刊


A Pilot Study on Life-histories of Middle-aged Female Workers in Hong Kong: Issues and Implications




This paper is a partial product of a three year research project on Hong Kong female workers' life history and employment strategies. It presents preliminary findings of the second cohort (aged 35 to 44) we we studied. In assessing reaearch strategies and methodologies we adopt, special emphases are placed on the qualitative-analytic nature of the project. Clarifications are also made to distinguish a perspective of life-course/cohort-specific enquiry vis-a-vis that of a more conventional family life cycle approach. Upon reviewing findings of the first cohort (aged 45 to 54) of the project-a narrative by Kit-han on her marriage and family is included to demonstrate, the ways female worker construct their life-history. Further analyses are conducted to deconstruct seven female workers' class belongings as well as social postitionings. Aspects of various career routing are then contextualized in a structural and histroical understanding of the ”Hong Kong system”. The paper suggests that the very employment strategies adopted by the workers were meant to be ”survival and livelihood” oriented. As strategic actors, the trajectories of their life course are multi-dimentional and multi-directional. The contour of their life structuration displayed many crucial truning nodes. These nodes, once properly understood, would enable us to appreciate the contributions and sacrifices female workers made, in the past 30 years, to the achievement of an ”economic miracle”.


