  • 期刊


The Cultural Origins of Social Forces: The Historical Formation of Perception of Environmental Rights in Taiwan; 1970-86


目前對台灣八○年代社會抗議事件的研究,大多以政治鬆動等由上而下的解釋方式,認為台灣的社會運動與政治自由化、解嚴等國家控制力減弱、反對運動的政治資源挹注有密切關係。這些研究基本上以政經結構的變化作為解釋社會力興起的原因,因此研究取向上,也較偏向國家、階級等政治經濟結構的觀點。 這些認為外部控制消失,因而內部力量爆發的解釋方式,並未真正觸及社會力興起的原因,這種負面的、由上而下的研究觀點,基本上仍未考慮民間部門的自主性。以民間部門為研究主體的研究,應該由社會內部自主性力量如何出現作為研究焦點,而不只是被解釋的現象。更何況由環境議題的經驗資料顯示,台灣社會在政治控制鬆動之前就已經發生了各種嚴重桃戰政治權威的「自力救濟」,甚至在八○年代初、中期台灣社會也已出現對環境問題有整體性思考的行動。 因此,本研究以環境議題自七○年代以來在民問部門的發展、變化過程,嘗試由文化面向的歷史考察,剖析八○年初期開始出現環境抗爭的意義,藉此解答社會力的文化根源。本研究發現民眾身體對環境的感受在國家措施、不同專家的論述影響下,自七○年代以來經歷受苦的身體、受害的身體和受侵犯的身體等感受變化過程。最後正是這種不可侵犯的環境權感受,在八○年代初期開始萌生,進而擴散,因此台灣社會開始出現抗議風潮。


身體 環境權 社會力 社會運動 文化分析


Sociological researches on 1980s' social turmoil have usually focused on political factors to explain why there emerged social protests in the period. It's argued that due to lessening of political control, various 'social forces' were made possible to emerge. In this paper, in contrast, we argue that political liberation constitute only a 'passive' explanation for the development of social forces. To have a more appropriate explanation, we need to explore the factors concerning why people have come to actively involve in the production of various social protests. In this sense, we try to answer the question about the culture origins of social forces. To achieve this, we go back to the 1970s, and analyze how people's attitude had changed to react to environmental pollution, which in turn is regarded to contribute to the development of various social protests in the early 1980s. By means of content analysis to newspaper, we find that in the 1970-86 period, people had undergone three stages regarding how their bodies react to the environmental pollution: the suffered body, the victimized body and the sacrilegious body. It is argued that with the change in the body concept, and particularly, with the emergence of the concept of sacrilegious body, people were therefore made 'unbearable' to the environmental pollution, a fact which 'positively' explain why people rebelled in the early 1980s. Theoretical implication is also discussed.


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吳沛憶 (2013). 挑戰發展主義霸權:國光石化爭議研究 [master's thesis, National Tsing Hua University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2013.00613
