  • 期刊


Is It Legitimate to Imagine China's TV as Socialist? The State, the Media and 'Market Socialism' in China




This paper puts forward a polemical questioning of whether it is still possible to imagine or construct China's media as socialist, or if the potential for bringing out a socialist media order in China has been exhausted. Some data, however insufficient, is presented to argue that, economically, the Chinese media has not yet totally failed its 'truth claim' of market socialism in China. For example, the taxation policy on broadcasting is used to raise revenue from the richer regions of China that is partly transferred to help improve the infrastructure and services available in the poor, remote and rural areas. Athough further reforms are required, China does not need to make its media ownership policy 'clearer' lest the policy becomes another method for legitimating private ownership. Issues related to the 'public sphere' under party-state control are also examined and it is demonstrated that there has been a rise in citizen involvement in the public controversy. The paper concludes it is not inevitable that Chinese media will develop into full market capitalism.


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林明萱(2012)。胡錦濤時期中共之宣傳政策(2003-2008)- 張藝謀個案研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.10615
