

八種由植物萃取物配製而成之天然植物保護製劑-葵無露、驚炭號、黴挫、黑修羅、銹躲、活力能、穩收、嘜出螺等,經系列稀釋六種濃度後測試對南方根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne incognita)及南方根腐線蟲(Pratylenchus coffeae)之殺蟲效果,結果顯示黑修羅與黴挫的100倍稀釋液對於南方根腐線蟲的殺蟲效果達89.2%以上,但其餘製劑及濃度則效果不彰。而測試南方根瘤線蟲二齡幼蟲的殺蟲效果得知,葵無露與穩收於各稀釋倍數下不具殺蟲效果,二齡幼蟲致死率皆低於13%,與對照組無顯著差異,其餘則依有效稀釋倍率分成三級,於10000倍稀釋下具有極佳殺蟲效果者爲A級,有黑修羅與嘜出螺,致死率達90%以上;於500倍稀釋下殺蟲效果不佳,但於100倍稀釋下具有極高致死率者爲B級,有銹躲與黴挫;於10倍稀釋下致死率極高者爲C級,有驚炭號與活力能。以A級植物保護製劑進行溫室試驗,結果顯示澆灌稀釋10000倍的黑修羅與嘜出螺水溶液,對番茄植株根部的根瘤指數均有明顯降低的效果;另外,土壤經黑修羅的500倍稀釋液與與嘜出螺的1000倍稀釋液處理時,其百克土壤之線蟲數目均與以「歐殺滅」處理者無顯著差異。因此,黑修羅及嘜出螺兩種植物保護製劑應具有商品化的發展潛力。


Plant diseases caused by parasitic nematodes are widespread in Taiwan. The most destructive species is Meloidogyne incognita, root-knot nematode, which causes serious problems in crop production. Current management of root-knot nematode primarily relies on application of nematicides. However, chemicals create a potential hazard to the environment and human health: alternatives to nematicides are highly desirable. Based on the results from in vitro tests, two natural plant protectants, NPP-D (formulated from cinnamon oil) and NPP-H (formulated from morpholine), were selected from greenhouse experiments. The effect of two natural plant protectants on the population of root-knot nematode in laboratory and greenhouse has evaluated. The results showed that NPP-D and NPP-H, applied at the rate of 10000 X, reduced the galling index on tomato roots, as well as the population density of root-knot nematode significantly (P<0.05) compared to untreated control.


