  • 期刊

番椒斑駁病毒(Pepper mottle virus)與馬鈴薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y)引起的樹番茄病毒病害

Pepper mottle virus and Potato virus Y caused Tamarillo Viral Diseases in Taiwan


樹番茄(tamarillo, Solanum betaceum)為原產於南美洲的茄科作物,為紐西蘭重要經濟果樹,近年引進零星栽培於本國中高海拔地區。嘉義阿里山與南投清境地區的樹番茄分別發現病毒感染之問題。電子顯微鏡鏡檢均可自兩地區之樹番茄病株粗汁液中觀察到長度約800nm的長絲狀病毒顆粒,亦可在病組織細胞內發現典型的Potyvirus內含體。萃取樹番茄及圓葉菸草罹病葉片組織之總量RNA,配合Potyvirus簡併式引子對進行反轉錄聚合酶連鎖反應(RT-PCR)可增幅出預期大小之cDNA片段。兩病毒之外鞘蛋白基因序列解析後,顯示阿里山地區的樹番茄病毒病害是由馬鈴薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y, PVY)所引起;清境地區的樹番茄病毒病害則與番椒斑駁病毒(Pepper mottle virus, PepMoV)有關。本研究是PVY與PepMoV感染樹番茄的首次報導。


Tamarillo or tree tomato (Solanum betaceum) is a salanaceous crop native in southern America and also an important crop of commercial significance in New Zealand. It was introduced into and was grown sporadically in some areas of higher altitude in Taiwan. Tamarillo plants with symptoms similar to that caused by virus infection were found in ChinJin of Nantou County and A-Li-Shan of Chiayi County individually. Filamentous virus particles of about 800 nm in length and typical inclusion bodies of Potyvirus infection can be observed in the preparations of both diseased tamarillo samples by electron microscopic examination. Complementary DNA fragments with expected size can be amplified with degenerate and specific primers derived from potyviruses. Analyzing the sequences of coat protein genes indicating the viral diseases of tamarillo were caused by Pepper mottle virus (PepMoV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) individually. Both tamarillo viral diseases are new records in Taiwan. This study also report, for the first time, the association of PepMoV and a tamarillo disease.
