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Numerical Analysis of Supersonic Jet Impingement Flow in the Launch Tube with Fluid-Structure Interaction


發射箱箱體結構,於火箭飛彈發射時必須能承受發射噴流作用在箱壁上之壓力,爲有壯有效提昇發射箱研發設計的可靠度及品質,達優化設計進而降低研發成本。本文即採用MSC.PATRAN作分析之前後處理,再利用MSC.DYTRAN進行分析,完成飛彈發射發射噴流在圓形發射箱內的流場分析,其結果與參考文獻上的實驗結果作比較,顯示壓力峰值較實驗結果爲低,然其位置則與實驗結果相近。本文同時更進一步使用MSC.DYTAN軟體中的流體結構耦合分析(Arbitrary Lagrange Euler Coupling, ALE)方法,進行發射噴流作用在發射箱體結構的流固耦合分析。經比較純流場分析與流固耦合分析結果,發現發射噴流於發射箱內之速度與壓力均有所不同,顯示流固耦合的分析有其需要性。由流固耦合分析結果顯示壓力峰頂處的變形及有效應力均較其他處爲大。本研究讓我們對發射噴流在發射箱內的流場有更進一步的了解,同時將更有助於發射箱箱體結構的設計。


發射箱 流固耦合


The structural strength of missile container must be strong enough to bear the pressure exerted on the wall by the rocket exhaust. To enhance the quality and reduce the cost in the designing of missile container, in this paper, the flow field characteristics and the pressure distribution along the wall of the missile container during missile launching are studied by using the fluid-structure interaction solver-MSC. DYTRAN and its pre- and post-processor-MSC, PATRAN. The numerical results are compared with the experimental results. The maximum pressure is lower than the experimental data, however, the location of the maximum pressure coincides with the experimental results. Additionally, the fluid-structure interaction is analyzed by using the Arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE) coupling method of MSC, DYTRAN. The results show that the distributions of velocity and pressure of pure fluid model analysis are different from those of the fluid-structure interaction model analysis. This result illustrates the necessity of the fluid-structure interaction analysis. The deformation and effective stress at location where the maximum pressure exerted are larger than those of other positions. The results of this study shall be very helpful for the design of missile container.
