  • 期刊


A CMMI-based, Institutionalized Method for Continually Managing Information System Quality Improvement


以最新資訊技術為訴求的資訊系統大大提高了組織運作的效率,然資訊系統是否成功運作(系統品質)則決定了運作的效度及據以擬定的決策之品質。此外,由於資訊環境不斷變更,致資訊系統瀕臨更新或問題屢出不窮。因此如何使資訊系統能成功運作及永續維護,係成一重要之研究課題。 本研究提出一個系統品質永續改善管理制度化方法。此方法包括兩大部分:系統品質改善具體作法,及永續改善管理制度化。在改善作法方面,本研究延伸了原本使用於軟體工程的CMMI之能力度概念,並將其中之Casual Analysis and Resolution (CAR)流程領域具體化為改善系統品質之流程內容。在永續執行方面,本研究延伸一永續改善模式IDEAL加注管理制度化作法而提出了IDEALi,期使每次改善皆能穩定實施。 本研究根據所提之方法與模式,實際執行於台塑養生文化村之系統品質改善工作,及進行模式驗證及信度分析,以展示所提之系統品質永續改善管理制度化模式,並驗證所提之模式之正確性。


The evolving of information systems and technologies greatly enhances the efficiency of business ad-hoc operations. Yet the success of such help eventually depends on the quality of the information system. Research regarding ways to improving system quality thus becomes critical in this regard. This paper presents a method for system quality improvement management. Such a method includes two parts. Based on the capability maturity concepts from CMMI, the first part describes the management contents of system quality improvement processes. The second part presents a continual improvement model, IDEALi for institutionalizing and stabilizing each improvement. Finally, this research applies the proposed method to a real information system improvement project to demonstrate the use of the proposed methodologies.


System quality CMMI Continual improvement IDEAL


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