  • 期刊


The Effect of Service Quality on Performance in the Chunghwa Post: Application of Data Envelopment Analysis


面對全球化競爭的時代,中華郵政為了提升競爭力於2003年改制為營利單位,並執行責任中心以提升企業績效。為了探討中華郵政改制後的服務品質影響績效之關聯性,本研究以彰化責任中心郵局以及所管轄之61各支局為研究對象。本研究使用資料包絡法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)衡量樣郵局之經營績效,在CCR(Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes)模式下,計有52個郵局位於效率前緣,131個郵局表現相對無效率;在BCC(Banker, Charnes and Cooper)模式下,有91個郵局達到技術效率水準;而在規模效率方面,共有91個郵局屬於固定規模報酬階段;有70個郵局處於規模報酬遞增階段,而有22個郵局處於規模報酬遞減階段。相對無效率郵局可透過差額變數分析,並效法參考集合單位之資源投入運用方式與管理策略,以改善其效率。而彰化責任中心郵局在投入面之控制上並無太大的改善空間,故必須朝擴大產出著手;經由CCR模式及BCC模式,進行效率群、無效率群間的t檢定,顯示多數個別產出項變數的效率值,有效率群顯著優於無效率群,又從不同年度間之t檢定發現,儲壽總支出的使用效率呈現逐年明顯衰退情況,是產生績效差異的主要原因。因此,無效率群須針對相關之投入產出變數來加以改善,方能提升整體經營績效。進一步透過Tobit迴歸分析法探討服務品質與績效之間的關聯性。實證結果顯示服務品質對經營績效中的技術效率有顯著之正面影響。最後提出本研究之管理意涵與未來研究建議。


When Chunghwa Post Company become a private company, it face the competition never see. Their operational model needs to improve service quality to enhance performance. This study applies DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) method to measure service quality at different levels of post offices, and adopts Tobit regression analysis method to analysis the effect of service quality on performance. The result reveals that the higher-level post offices perform better at produce efficiency and technique efficiency, and the service quality is significantly positive with technique efficiency. In addition, in the technique efficiency, efficiency of female managers is better than male, and there is negative correlation between the higher educated managers and scale efficiency. Therefore, it is improper to designate a branch manager by sex and educational background.


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