  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Development of an Attitude Scale about Persons in Volunteer Military Servicemen




The purpose of this study is to develop an attitude scale on soldiers of volunteer military service and to check the Rasch model fit of the two subscales in the pretest phase(N=300). The results show that the validity of Aiken's content of the average of all the scale items is .767. Infit mean-square(InMnsq) and outfit mean-square(OutMnsq) of all items verify fittingness. The formal testing phase, a group(N=755)analyzed by EFA, is reduced to 13. The results show that the scale covers two dimensions, the subscale reliability is respectively .882 and .851, the validity of Aiken's content of the average is .760. In addition, the other group(N=756) checks the two-factor pattern fit with CFA, and the scale is reduced to 8 through the comparative competition model. The validity of Aiken's content of the average is .849, with a convergence validity and a discriminant validity. The Composite Reliability(CR) of the subscale is respectively .900 and .774, which can content with the test-invariance of cross-military identity groups. In brief, the scale developed by this study could be regard as a good reliability and validity material, and it can be used as a measurement tool to analyze the attitude of people in volunteer military servicemen.
