  • 期刊


A Report of Nursing Quality Assurance in Four Psychiatric Units of Medical Centers


本研究旨在了解台灣醫學中心伋醫院,現階段之精神科護理品質及NPQMI(Nursing Process Quality Monitoring Instrument)在偵測精神科護理品質上的適用性。因而選取台大醫院、台北榮總、三軍總院、高醫附設醫院等四所醫學中心之精神急性病房內住院個案爲進行研究。 結果顯示各醫院在(一)擬定護理謀劃方面、(二)確保病人生理需要、(三)確保病人心理及社會需要、(四)執行護理目標之評價、(五)護理業務與行政管理間的配合。等五項評估結果,以病人生理需要的滿足、護理業務與行政管理間的配合及擬定護理計劃,表現均在80分以上。而較待加強的,則爲病人心理、社會層面的需求及執行護理目標之評價。 本研究並建議(1)護理品質之研究應重視各科護理之特性。(2)精神科病人分類宜有別於他科。(3)精神科可採用unit-based爲主的護理品質保證計劃以強調科別之特殊性並涵蓋所有護理活動。(4)結合國內專家學者之智慧及專長,共同爲催生本土化之精神、心理衛生護理之品質保證而努力。


This study was designed to investigate the quality of psychiatric nursing care using the Nursing Process Quality Monitoring Instrument (NPQMI) in medical centers. Four medical centers were chosen for this study: National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei Veterans Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical College Hospital, Tri-Service General Hospital. The result revealed presently these hospitals had good physical care, nursing administration and nursing care plans, but the grade was lower for the accomplishment of patients’ psychosocial needs and the execution of their nursing goals. This study suggests that the monitor of nursing care is different in each nursing field, especially in psychiatric nursing. The NPQMI method is a general tool. It can test the general quality of the nursing care, but it loses the specificity essential for psychiatric nursing. So the unit-based nursing quality assurance method is suggested for further study.
