  • 期刊


Eating Problems and Strategies Used by Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy in Taiwan


本研究的目的在於探討鼻咽癌病人接受放射後治療進食方面的問題及其調適方法。研究對象爲30位(80年12月至81年4月期間在台大醫院耳鼻喉科門診)已未完成治療六個月以上的病人,且繼續在門診追蹤檢查者。研究者先設計好結構性問卷,在門診與病人進行訪談,並讓病人自由發問,以了解病人進食方面的問題及調適方法。 將所得資料整理分析,結果顯示,常見的進食問題爲:(1)口水減少佔100%。(2)分泌物黏稠佔96.7%。(3)口乾佔96.7%。(4)喉嚨疼痛佔93.3%。(5)吞嚥困難佔90.0%。 常用的調適方法爲:(1)改變食物性質佔96.7%。(2)多喝液體佔93.3%。(3)尋求協助佔86.7%。(4)使用S.B.C.漱口水佔83.3%。(5)正面態度佔76.7%。結果顯示大部份的病人同時使用中藥作爲症狀之減輕及保健方法。 本研究的結果可作爲護理人員確認病人護理問題以及協助病人解決進食問題的參攷,以提昇護理服務品質。


The purpose of the study is to understand the eating problems during and after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer patients and strategies used by them to improve food intake during treatment. Thirty subjects were interviewed during a follow-up clinic appointment within 6 months of completion of radiotherapy. Structured interviews were used for data collection. The results showed that the common problems were, (1) decreased salivation (100%), (2) thick secretion .(96.7%), (3) dry mouth (96.7%), (4) sore throat (93.3%), (5) hard to swallow (90.0%). eating strategies commonly used were, (1) change the food texture (96.7%), (2) drink more water (93.3%), (3) request assistance (86.7%), (4) gargling with S.B.C. solution (83.3%), (5) positive attitude (76.7%). The findings also showed the culture specified strategies used by patients, such as Chinese herb medicine for relieving symptoms and health promotion. The findings of the study can help nurses to identify the problems of patients going through the treatment process, so as to promote quality care.


