  • 期刊


Long-term Effects of Relaxation Training Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Model of the Stress Level of Nurses Working at Medical Centers in Taiwan, Republic of China


研究設計爲准實驗性設計(quasi-experimental design),分別收集兩組(實驗與對照組)接受課程前後之自填資料。課程內容兩組不同,但課程時間相同,每組皆於第一、二週接受90分鍾之課程,並於第五週接受90分鍾之追蹤課程,實驗組之一、二週課程爲護理人員工作壓力分析,及以認知一行爲理論基礎之減壓訓練,並實地操作,第五週則以團體討論方式分享各人練習減壓技巧之經驗,其中第三、四週有信函提醒參與研究人員(實驗組)每日練習所授技巧。實驗後一年收集,共收回91份問卷,問卷回收率爲66%。本研究的重要結論有二項:(1)研究中之叁項依變數在經過減壓訓練的變化不同,護理工作壓力(NSC)在經過減壓訓練,一年後在兩組中的差異成爲不明顯;中國人健康量表(CHQ)則在經過減壓訓練一年後,兩組間的差異仍然是趨向於有意義的不同,病假天數在減壓訓練前後一年無顯著差異;(2)影響減壓技巧長期效果的因素中,最重要的是是否仍持續使用減壓技巧,仍持續使用減壓技巧的研究對象與其他研究對象比較,在自覺身心健康狀況(CHQ),有具意義的差異。


This was a one year follow-up study for effects of relaxation training, combining guided imagery and meditation, on the stress level of nurses working at medical centers in Taiwan. The short term (five weeks) effects of this relaxation training, which was based on the pre-post test control design, showed the initial evidence of reduced nurse stress level and promoted the self-perceived psychophysiological health (Tsai & Crockett, 1993). The relaxation training included three ninety minute sessions in the first, second, and fifth weeks. The course contents of three sessions embraced Smith’s cognitive-behavioral relaxation model and practice of relaxation techniques. This one-year follow-up of long-term effects had ninety-one returned questionnaires with 66% return rate. Research resuits were the following. (1) Three dependent variables had different changes. The changes of the Nurse Stress Checklist were not significant after one year of relaxation training. The one year changes of Chinese Health Questionnaire (CHQ) showed a significant trend (p=0.065). The difference between sick leaves of one year before and after the relaxation training was not significant. (2)Among the influencing factors, continuing practice of relaxation technique was the predominant one. The different CHQ between the continuing practice group and others (including the experimental and control group) showed significance (p<0.05).


