  • 期刊


An Exploration of the Stress Aspects, Coping Behaviors, Health Status and Related Aspects in Family Caregivers of Hepatoma Patients


本研究之目的在於探討肝癌患者家屬主要照顧者:壓力、因應行為與健康狀況間之相關性。藉由調查研究法,以臺北市四所教學醫院胃腸科病房中,無法接受手術或肝動脈栓塞法治療之肝癌症患者,其家屬主要照顧者為對象共有122位。所收集資料以統計方法分析進行資料處理。研究結果發現:(1)肝癌患者家屬主要照顧者最大壓力為「病患疾病特性方面」的壓力;(2)采用「問題中心因應行為」方式處理壓力為多;(3)自覺健康狀況方面,以「社會健康」為最佳;(4)壓力與健康狀況間的關係:四大體上壓力層面中以「個人方面的壓力」及「環境方面的壓力」透過典型變項主要影響「身體方面」、「心理方面」以及「社會方面」的健康狀況;(5)因應行爲與健康狀況間的關系:「情緒中心因應行爲」透過典型變 主要影響「身體方面」、「心理方面」的健康;(6)壓力與因應行為對健康狀況的預測,可解釋其總變异量的56.38%。本研究針對研究設計及護理實務、護理教育等各方面提出建議,作為日後研究者及護理人員之參考。


This was an exploratory study to describe the stress aspect, coping behavior, health status and their interrelationship in family caregivers of hepatoma patients. Data were collected from 122 primary family caregivers of hepatoma patients who stayed in gastrointestinal wards in four teaching hospitals located in Taipei. Data were analyzed using multiple regression and canonical correlation. The results show that: (1) The greatest stress among family caregivers was related to the characteristics of the disease. (2) Most family caregivers tended to adopt problem-oriented coping behavaiors. (3) Regarding health status, it was recognized that social health, compared to others, was less affected by the cases. (4) In the study of the relationship between stress aspects and health status, it was found that among the four stress aspects, individual stress and environmental stress correlate with these family members' physical, psychological and social health. (5) In the study of the relationship between coping behavior and health status, emotional-oriented coping behavior was recognized as the factor that affected these family caregivers’ physical and psychological health. (6) 56.38% of the variance of the health status of family caregivers can be explained by their stress aspects and coping behaviors. The implication for nursing practices and nursing education are discussed, and further study is suggested.


陳靜蕙(2010)。精神分裂疾患主要照顧者自覺 症狀處理之照護負荷相關因子探討— 以某精神專科醫院為例〔碩士論文,中山醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6834/CSMU.2010.00051
