  • 期刊


Family Needs in Critically Head-Injured Patients and Related Factors



本研究主要是了解重症頭部外傷病人家屬之需求,並進一步探討影響家屬需求的因素。研究工具主要根據Molter及Leske(1991)所發展的「Critical Care Family Needs Inventory」,研究對象爲70位重症頭部外傷病人之家屬,以問卷調查蒐集資料。統計分析方法包括One-way ANOVA、repeated measures ANOVA、t-test & pairde t-test。1.重症頭部外傷病人家屬認爲最重要的前三項需求依次爲(1)能了解病人病情的發展,(2)每天都能得到有關病人病情的消息,(3)當病人的病情發生變化時,我能很快的接到醫院的通知。2.44項需求中有16項需求,滿足率高達90%以上,另有7項需求其滿足率低於20%。44項需求中護理人員滿足最多項需求,其它依序爲家屬/朋友、醫院的硬體設備/政策、醫師所滿足。3.影響家屬需求的相關因素有家屬的性別、收入、職業、與病人的關係、是否與病人同住、是否曾有照顧重症病人的經驗、病人的性別及有無醫療保險。本研究並針對研究設計、護理實務、護理教育和護理研究等各方面提出建議,作爲日後研究者及護理人員之參考。


The purposes of this study were to identify and describe family needs and to determine what factors were related to the needs of the family members of critically head-injured patients. An instrument developed by Molter & Leske (1983) entitled ”Critical Care Family Needs Inventory (CCFNI)” was translated into Chinese. The Chinese version of CCFNI, which contains 44 items, was administered to a group of 70 family members. The data were analyzed using descriptive, correlational Pearson, one-way ANOVA, repeated measure ANOVA, t-test, and paired t-test. The top three needs identified by the family members were (1) to know the prognosis; (2) to receive information about the patient every day; (3) to be called at home about changes in the patient's condition. Each need was met at least once among these 70 subjects in this study. There were 16 items met above 90.0% and 7 items met less than 20%. For the 44 need items, nurses were primarily responsible for meeting most of them (54.5%). The factors affecting the identified five dimensions of CCFNI were family members' gender, financial status, occupation, relationship to the patient, whether living with patient with patient or not, previous ICU experiences, and patient's gender and insurance status. This study provides some suggestions for further study, nursing clinical practice, and nursing education.


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