  • 期刊


Developing a Scale of Self-Management Behaviors of Parents with Asthmatic Children in Taiwan through Triangulation Method


本研究目的主要是藉由綜合質量性研究法發展有效評量氣喘兒童父母之自我處理行爲量表,本研究分爲兩階段進行:第一階段以成功控制的氣喘兒童父母爲對象進行深度訪談,第二階段以133位門診父母爲對象,建構自我處理行爲之信度與效度。結果顯示由16位父母內容分析共得四大類別、十個項目、23項行爲單元,分別爲(1)預防行爲:環境控制、藥物控制、避免引起過敏的原因、增强抵抗力。(2)處理行爲:根據嚴重情形採取行動、發作時的藥物處理、發作時的非藥的處理。(3)評估行爲:自我觀察症狀、自我比較症狀。(4)另類治療行爲。專家修正後去除2項行爲單位,以21項自我處理行爲量表進行量性調查,結果Cronbach's α爲0.88,因素分析可得預防行爲、處理行爲、以及症狀評做行爲等三個因素,其解釋量占總變異量的48.2%,顯示量表具有良好的內在一致性以及建構效度。


The purposes of this study were to develop a scale of self-management behaviors for parents with a sthmatic children by qualitative and quantitative methods. This research included two phases: (1) to explore the self-management behaviors of successfully managing parents with asthmatic children by in-depth interviewing method. (2)To examine the reliability and validity of self-management behaviors by the quantitative survey of 133 outpatient parents with asthmatic children. The results including four categories, 10 items and 23 self-management behaviors units were inducted from the 16 parents. The four categories are named as (1) Preventive behaviors: controlling environmental factors, taking drugs, avoiding the causes of allergy, improving the body's defenses; (2) Managing behaviors: making decision based on the severity, taking pharmacological management for attacks, and selecting non-pharmacological management for attacks; (3) Assessing behaviors: observing and comparing the symptoms/signs themselves; (4) Alternative treatment. The survey research was conducted with 21 self-management behaviors after refinement by 10 experts. Based on the survey of 133 parents with asthmatic children, the reliability of the scale was shown as Cronbach's α .88. The construct validity was established by factor analysis by rotation method with Varimax with Kaiser normalization. Three extracting components were named as preventing behaviors, managing behaviors and assessing behaviors. The cumulative percent of variance of 3 factors was 48.2%.


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