  • 期刊


Introduction and Application of Levey-Jennings Chart


統計品質管制(statistical quality control;SQC)運用在臨床實驗室內品質管制(internal quality control;IQC)已有多時,管制圖(control chart)的運用甚為重要,它是一個最基本、最簡單的品管工具,也是整個實驗步驟最後、最重要的品管關鍵。Levey-Jennings (L-J) chart是目前最常用的管制圖之一,經向簡單的計算出平均值與標準差,可直接將數值示於圖表而不需額外計算,其圖形製作的過程需有一嚴謹的程序,而圖形種類多樣化,更可依需求選取。本文除介紹L-J chart的由來、製作流程及其應用外,並針對製作流程中需注意的事項及問題的解答提供多樣化的選擇,以符合個別實驗室的需求。此外,對於效期短、不斷更換批號試劑的實驗,亦提供Grubbs法做為參考。瞭解管制圖的原理及其應用是技術師應具備的知識。


The statistical quality control (SQC) has been applied to the internal quality control (IQC) of clinical laboratory for many years. The application of Control chart in clinical laboratory is very important. It is a most basic and simpler QC tool, and also is the most important QC critical point of the entire test procedure. Levey-Jennings chart (L-J chart) is one of the most commonly used control chart in current clinical laboratory procedures. By using the simple computation, the mean value and standard deviation can be used as control limit. The individual control values are plotted directly on the chart without additional calculation. The preparation of L-J chart is a rigorous procedure with various charts and records, and is selected depending on demand. This article introduces not only the origin, the preparation flow and the application of L-J chart, but also aims at the notice and the answers for the questions for the preparation of flow chart. The Grubbs law can be applied as a reference for the experiments which use short-life reagents and need to change lot frequently. Understanding the principle and the application of control chart should be the essential knowledge for a medical technologist.


IQC control chart L-J chart
