  • 期刊

熱可塑性彈性體加工用油(TPE Processing Oil)開發研究

Studies on the developing of Thermal Plastic Elastomers Processing Oil


基礎油物化性能如黏度,烷烴含量(Paraffin content),Cp大小)及苯氨點影響TPE加工後物性影響很大。除此之外,基礎油顏色及顏色穩定性與熱穩定性也影響加工製程及日後成品穩定性。未來氫化製程為生產高品質潤滑基礎油主流,因其含有高度烷烴,高Cp及苯氨點偏高,無法滿足TPE加工性能需求,本研究業已獲得合適添加劑可改善此缺點,使不合適油料變為合適油料,拓展高品質潤滑基礎油新用途。並開發出適用於熱可塑性彈性體加工用油。


In order to improve the material properties and increase its economics of Thermal Plastic Elastomers(TPE) should use a suitable base oil and necessary additives when TPE compounding. The composition of base oil will play an important factor that will affect the TPE material properties. If too much Paraffinic content or too high CP content, high aniline point of base oil will result in oil bleeding, poor tensile strength, elongation and too soft weakness after TPE compounding, This poor properties can not meet the need of TPE processing industrial. In general,TPE processing oil comes from traditional refining base oil, but this traditional base oil can not meet the need of high quality lubricating oil for vehicle engine oil and industrial lubricants in future. So, unconventional base oil, e. g. hydrocracking base oil or wax hydroisomerization oil will predominate in base oil supply. But these high quality base oil contains much Paraffinic content or high CP content, high aniline point will have demerit when using in TPE processing. Modification of this high quality base oil with suitable additive can meet the requirement of TPE processing oil a successful study will be shown in this paper.
