  • 期刊


The Application of Thermal-Desorption Gas Chromatography on Reservoir Rocks for Oil & Gas Exploitation and Production


本研究利用 Varian CP-3800 氣相層析儀的固體進樣導入裝置,直接將大約40mg 的砂岩送入氣相層析儀的進樣口,進樣口之溫度維持在 300℃,利用高溫將砂岩中所吸附的殘餘碳氫化合物蒸發出來,並以氦氣直接載入 100 公尺長的毛細管柱作成份之分離,以FID偵測其所含之碳氫化合物的成份,藉著儲油氣層岩心中所含的殘餘油氣成份來建立儲集層含油、含氣或含水之 TD-GC 指紋,作為油氣層開發與生產之輔助工具。 本研究共分析錦水-59 號井,錦水-60 號井,錦水東-1 號井,嘉盛-2 號井,嘉盛-3 號井,白沙屯-8 號井,寶山-14 號井,火炎山-1 號井和關刀山-1 號井等九口井的 46 個砂岩岩心,主要的地層為打鹿砂岩和北寮砂岩。 研究結果顯示,岩心熱脫附氣相層析法可以協助研判儲油氣層所含流體之成份,甚至對於存放在岩心倉庫長達三十年以上之砂岩岩心,仍能有效的偵測出其所含之殘餘碳氫化合物成份,並藉此分辨其究竟是油層、氣層或水層。 未來將持續分析台灣陸海域之砂岩岩心,一方面建立儲油氣層之地化分析資料庫,並與儲層之岩性、孔隙率、滲透率、電測曲線等資料結合,期能對油氣田之開發與生產有所助益;另一方面也希望藉此方法來分析以往因為井況不佳無法進行電測分析之儲集層,盼能找出被遺漏的儲油氣構造,以增加台灣地區之油氣儲量。


The purpose of this study is to recognize the fingerprints of gas zone, oil zone, and water zone by analyzing the residual hydrocarbons of cored reservoir sandstones using thermal desorption gas chromatography (TD-GC). 46 core samples from nine wells of onshore oil & gas fields of Northwestern Taiwan were analyzed. About 40 mg of core samples, mainly Talu Sandstone and Peliao sandstone, were placed into a micro vial and sent into the heated GC injector (300℃) via a direct sample injection device. The residual hydrocarbons of the sample was thermally desorbed and then introduced into a 100m capillary column by carrier gas to do the chromatography and then detected by frame ionization detector. The results show that TD-GC-finger-prints of oil saturated sandstone is characterized by high content of long chain n-alkanes (C17~C30) while gas dominated sands is characterized by high content of short chain n-alkanes (C11~C16) and the condesate reservoir mainly contains medium-chain-length n-alkanes (C17~C26). This shows that TD-GC fingerprints of core samples can properly reflect the fluid type of a reservoir rock even for cores stored in the core house for more than 30 years. Combine TD-GC fingerprints with logging and geological data of a reservoir rock would be a more powerful approach to oil & gas exploitation and production.
