  • 期刊


Development and Application of Polymerization Inhibitor


含有可共振雙鍵之雙烯,極易受氧氣氧化產生過氧化物及自由基,而形成快速之聚合反應或經由管線設備中金屬的催化作用,產生聚合反應而形成popcorn或膠狀聚合物。目前新型之聚合抑制劑為具有穩定自由基(stable free radical)之抗氧化劑,可以快速有放捕捉製程中所產生自由基分子,中止聚合反應之進行。傳統之抗氧化劑如TBC,NaNo2,DNP,及DEHA有毒性較強與自由基反應性較差等因素,漸有被新型抑制劑取代的趨勢。本研究利用動態熱積污測試儀,以異戊二烯為進料,評估各種聚合抑制劑之抗聚合之性能。另外亦使用靜態高壓反應器同樣評估其性能,結果顯示具有穩定自由基之抗氧化劑具有較佳之抑制效果。本所穩定自由基型丁二烯眾合抑制劑自九十年一月起,開始於丁二烯工場試用,由於效果不錯,同年相繼於另兩個丁二烯工場試用。丁二烯工場長時間試用以來效益顯著,打破開車以來連續操作500天未曾停爐檢修的記錄,至九十一年八月底已達600天記錄,並持續正常運轉中。九十年丁二烯總產量也打破往年未曾超過50,000噸的記錄,達58,000噸,較八十九年增加1.5億元產值。丁二烯工場順利運作最重要因素除歲休時各塔槽及換熱器的完全清理、鈍化處理及平時抑制劑足量添加外,即時監控技術亦是相當重要,能有效了解可能產生polymer或popcorn,進行妥善處理;另外經由popcorn活性及成份分析,得知問題嚴重性並推測形成原因,綜合各項監控資訊對症下藥,可有效解決問題,維持系統正常運作。


Stable free radical type inhibitor was developed as a polymer inhibitor for petrochemical process and is an effective inhibitor for diene-caused fouling in reboilers and heat exchangers. Conventional polymerization inhibitors as TBC,NaNO2,DNP and DEHA were toxic compounds and lower reactivity to free radical. Substitution by stable free radical is the trend in future. Stable free radical type inhibitor was used in butadiene extraction unit of CPC from Jan 2001.The continuing operation period was never over 500 days in history. Now the continuing operation period is extended to 600 days until Aug 2002.And the annual total production also from 50,000 ton/y expand to 58,000 ton/y. The result of polymer inhibition had great improvement when the stable free radical inhibitor was used. Good inhibitor combining with sensitive monitoring system is most important thing to keep butadiene extraction unit running smooth. Without monitoring system, we never know chemical performance and how to adjust the dosage of inhibitor. It means you don't know any fouling problems will happen potentially and lose control easily。


Antioxidant Stable free radical TEMPO
