  • 期刊


The Applications of High Resolution Satellite Imagery-An Example for Yang Ming Shan Area


陽明山國家公園地區為具有火山群彙特色及自然生態景觀之地區,亦為國人重要休憩區。本研究蒐集整理陽明山地區GIS相關圖層屬性與高解析度航遙測數值影像資料,並以數位形式儲存建置於高解析度數位地形資料庫中。本研究以GIS、GPS、RS等工具進行基礎應用研究,且應用高解析度衛星影像進行影像分類萃取裸露地等主題圖層,並以電腦虛擬實境製作陽明山地區火山口三維視覺展現地形之飛行模擬及各環境系列主題圖,建置之高解析度地形資料庫配合地理資訊系統分析功能,對環境災害、保育與地景規劃等相關議題,可提供數位陽明山及數位華岡等應用研究與教學使用。 木研究完成陽明山地區捷鳥QuickBird衛星影像數位資料蒐集、整理及建置、航遙測影像正射糾正、1/1000基本地形圖蒐集與數值地形圖GIS基本屬性資料整理,及數值地形模型(DTM)製作等項目。並利用遙測影像技術與地理資訊系統實施影像分類並萃取裸露地等主題圖層,火山口3-D地形模擬飛行,系列主題圖編製,以達建置之數位地形資料庫資源共享之目的。


Yangmingshan National Park is important for its volcanic landscape, ecological richness and value as a place for public recreation. This project aims to establish a digital topographic database and to produce thematic mapping layers for the Yangmingshan area. This study collects high resolution digital photogrammetric and satellite images and establishes important attribute data for GIS in order to establish a digital topographic database. The digital images are displayed in the form of a 3-D computer simulation in order to provide basic research and teaching applications in the fields of environmental hazards, conservation and landscape planning. The study completed the following items, such as the collection of digital image data and QuickBird high resolution satellite images in the Yangmingshsn area, aerial photographs and satellite image rectification, the collection of 1/1,000 topographic maps, the establishment of GIS attribute data, DTM generation, digital image classification and thematic mapping of bare land, the creation of 3-D flight simulations over volcanic craters, with the intention of sharing the digital topographic database of the Yangmingshan area resources with the general public.


Wu. Chao-Hsiung,Ding, Yea-Chung(2002).Establishment of Large Scale Topographic Database-a Case Study of Yang-min-shan.Taipei, International Conference On Computer Graphics and Spatial Information System's 2002.(Taipei, International Conference On Computer Graphics and Spatial Information System's 2002).:


劉威廷(2008)。誤差分析平台運用於植生影像分類準確性提升之探討 -以台灣大學校區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.10243
