  • 期刊


An Research on Designing and Compiling Administrative Maps


民國八十年起,在內政部補助下,我國各鄉鎮市陸續委託編印所轄區域之行政區域圖,而後二十三個縣市政府亦於民國八十四年起,陸續出版以縣市治為範圍之行政區域圖;迄今由於編印之區域大小、時間先後、地方特點、設計理念、承製機構與編印技術等之差異,各地方之行政區域圖展現出不同風貌與區域特性。 「行政區域圖」就字義應屬主題地圖,但是出版機關均希望導引用圖者對該行政區域內產生空間認知(spatial cognition),意即經由地圖建構對該地區之自然環境與人文資訊的了解,因此已漸漸成為多功能地圖,所以此乃編圖者所需掌握的設計主軸與編製內涵;因此,本文旨在探討行政區域圖之設計趨勢與編製流程,提供編圖規劃之參考。


Since 1991, under the subsidy of the Ministry of Interior, every township in our country published the Administrative Maps for themselves. Afterward, 23 city and county governments published the Administrative Maps .in succession since 1995. Up to now, because of the difference of the dimension, the publish time, the characteristic, the design conception, the contractor and the compilation technique, the maps of different administrative district demonstrate various styles and characteristics. 'Administrative Map' is a kind of thematic map. However, all the publishers want to spread the spatial cognition over the administrative district to the users. That is, to enable the users to have the understanding of the natural environment and cultural information over the district through the construction of the maps. Consequently, the administrative map has become a multi-function map, and the map authors have to control the design principal and content. This paper is to discuss the design trend and compilation process of administrative map, and to serve as the reference for mapping plan.


Goodchild, M.,H. Freeman(eds.),G. Pieroni(eds.)(1980).The Effects of Generalization in Geographical Data Encoding.(Map Data Processing).
Robinson(1995).Elements of Cartography.John Wiley & Sons.
