  • 期刊


A Case Study of a Landslide Mapping Program in South-Western Taiwan


坍方地質調查經常是山坡地規劃利用時的第一個步驟。本文介紹台灣中南部一個坡地的坍方地質調查實例,內容包括調查過程、地層分層依據、岩石分類命名依據、基地地質圖、地質剖面圖、坍方辨識依據、坍方模式及特性、以及坍方分佈圖等,文中並且針對地質資料的可靠度進行探討,強調事實資料(fact data)及解釋性資料(interpretation data)分列清楚,在避免地質資料的誤導或誤用上,非常重要,在國土的開發、建設及保全上,有一定的作用。坍方調查結果顯示,基地內存在一種地滑型坍方,發生在坡度僅10度左右的平緩順向坡面上(dipslope),該種坍方無法從現有的航空照片上(比例尺約二萬分之一)辨識出來,但活動性高,在土地利用及災害防治上有其重要性,值得重視。


Landsliding mapping is always the first step in the process of slopeland development. This paper presents a landslide mapping case in the South-western Taiwan. Investigation process, site geology, and landslide mapping are briefly described. Geological data reliability is discussed to avoid misleading and misusing.A special type of landslide is recognized in a gentle dip solpe (only 10 degree in dip angle), but can not be discerned from the available airphotographs (with scale of about 1/20,000). These special landslides are quite active. A special type of landslide is recognized in a gentle dipslope (only 10 degree in dip angel). These special landslides are quite active, but can not be discerned from the available airphotographs (with scale of about 1/20,000). It is important to identify their distributions before any slopeland development.
