  • 期刊


Evaluation of Geotextiles as Separators in Roadways


地工織物(geotextile)為道路分隔層(separator)應用上,除提供分隔(separation)基層與路基之主要功能外,亦提供其它次要功能,如過濾(filtration)、排水(drainage)及加勁(reinforcement)等功能。為能有效地提供上述功能,地工織物埋設於道路中須克服耐久性(survivability)、碎石級配之細顆粒污染(soil contamination)、地工織物開孔阻塞(clogging)與老化(aging)等問題。為瞭解地工織物於道路中之行為,作者等共進行19組試驗室試驗。試驗結果顯示,地工織物若於施工中與設計年限中沒有被穿破或撕裂,地工織物之採用可增加路基承載力,惟地工織物種類與勁度對車轍深度之影響甚微。另水壓計量測結果亦顯示,路基中超額孔隙水壓變化不受地工織物之種類與勁度所影響。另地工織物分隔層沒有被穿破或撕裂,則均能有效地阻止細顆粒從路基進入碎石級配中。雖地工織物分隔層之部份開孔被阻塞,但超額孔隙水壓並不因此而大幅增加,其原因可能係即使地工織物分隔層之部份開孔被阻塞,其透水性仍較其下之路基高,而能充分排除從路基排出之孔隙水。


地工織物 道路 分隔層 試驗室試驗 車轍


To evaluate the performance of geotextiles as separators in roadways, a series of laboratory model tests were conducted to simulate field conditions experienced by geotextiles. In this study, different thicknesses of base courses and geotextiles of various types with various weights were used. The soft subgrades also have different strengths and soil types. These parameters can represent some of the conditions, where geotextiles are used.In laboratory tests, cyclic loading was applied on aggregates, which were underlain by a geotextile. Underneath the geotextile, a soft soil (clayey soils and silty soils) was prepared by consolidation to simulate a soft subgrade in a field. During cyclic loading, the depression at aggregate surface and porewater pressure within soft subgrade were monitored. In this paper, the performance of geotextiles are evaluated in terms of separation, survivability, drainage, filtration and reinforcing. Based on the results, the separation function of geotextiles are found promising, if they survived under the dynamic loadings. In contrast with control tests (without geotextile), the failure mode of soft subgrade were found to become general failure mode from local failure mode. Therefore, the bearing capacity of the subgrade increased due to the presence of a geotextile. The porewater pressure within the soft soils increased initially and then decreased with the number of loading cycles. The influence of the types or weights of geotextiles on excessive porewater dissipation is found very minimal. No considerable amount of fines migrated through the geotextiles in the laboratory tests.


geotextile road way separator laboratory model test rut


