  • 期刊


The Development History of Foochow Dialect Group in Sarawak


詩巫(Sibu)是砂拉越(Sarawak)的第二大城,也是三大墾場(farm)的所在地。1901年,榕屬(Foochow)名士黃乃裳(Wong Nai-Siong)首開風氣之先,成立規模最大、人數最眾的「新福州墾場」則為其中翹楚,引領廣東(Canton)、興化(Henghua)等方言群加入墾殖行列,使詩巫的發展蒸蒸日上。當地自二十世紀起即以「新福州」、「小福州」等稱號聞名於世,與黃氏肇建的基業有密不可分的關係。時至今日,榕屬人士於建築、金融、重工、文教出版等事業成就輝煌,有目共睹。本文旨在探討福州族群發展過程,並由「在地觀點」及「在地資料」的運用為基礎,漸次討論此一歷史脈絡下的社群結構及意涵,以彰顯其特殊性。


Sibu is the second 1arge city in Sarawak and also the location of the three large-scale farms. In 1901, Foochow scholar Wong Nai-Siong, the very first one, established the largest farm-New Foochow farm, which was the best one of the three. He led Canton and Henghua dialects joined the farming and helped the rapid development of Sibu. It was called New Foochow or Small Foochow by the beginning of twenty centuries and was famous for this name all over the world. It is mostly due to the Wong's establishment at that period. Nowadays, Foochow people in Sibu have achieved many successful accomplishment, such as construction business, financial industry, heavy industry and publication business. This article focuses on the process of development of Foochow people. Local point of view and information are accounted as basis of this article. The structure of community and implication of it will be discussed in a historical context in order to demonstrate its significance.


(1871).The Sarawak Gazette.

