  • 期刊

Excavation of Nhơn Thành at the Hậu Giang River Reach, Southern Vietnam

越南後江流域Nhơn Thành遺址的發掘成果分析


Nhơn Thành遺跡座落在湄公河主流,Cần Thơ河川流域注入Hậu Giang河川的濕地帶,屬於Óc Eo文化的大型居住遺跡。根據發掘現象顯示,這個遺跡的居住面,位於比填築土地面還要高的水平面,因此得以理解這是建築在沼澤地區的水上住屋。當地所製作的陶器,主要分成兩大類,包括呈色從灰白色到粉紅色的精緻陶器,以及混含有大量稻穀與砂粒的粗陶器。前者含有多數水注(Kendi)等儀式用陶器,後者則以圜形底的釜形器居多。除了這兩個種類的陶器之外,也出土有從流域以外地區所帶進來的石製品、金屬製品,以及若干中國及北部越南地區製作的陶器。根據碳十四年代測定結果以及與其他遺跡的比較,推定該遺跡的存續時間,主要集中在四世紀後半至五世紀之間的短暫時間。


The remains of Nhơn Thành, which are located along the main portion of the Mekong River where the Cần Thơ River reach meets the Hậu Giang wetland region, represent large-scale settlement/residency remains of the Óc Eo Culture. According to excavation results, the habitation structures or residences among these remains are located on the water level, which is higher than surrounding piled or artificially heightened soil levels, and, therefore, it can be understood that these residences were in fact piled residences (residences on stilts) constructed for specific use in this marshy region. The pottery products produced in this area can be separated into two main types: those fine potteries ranging in color from gray-white to pink and those coarse potteries with large amounts of rice grains and sand mixed into the clay. The former pottery type includes a great number of Kendi pottery as well as other products used in ceremonies, while round-bottomed, pot shaped objects make up the majority of the latter type. Other than these two kinds of pottery, stone and metal products originating from outside of the river reach area as well as several pottery objects produced in China and nothern Vietnam were also excavated at Nhơn Thành. According to the results of carbon-14 dating as well as comparisons with other artifacts, it can be deduced that these artifacts were produced and used mainly from the latter half of the 4th century until the 5th century AD.


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