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Urinary 1-Hydroxypyrene Relative to Oxidative Damage in Taxi Drivers


目標:尿液中的1-羥基芘(1-hydroxypyrene; 1-OHP) 可為暴露到多環芳香烴化合物(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; PAHs)之標記,本研究旨在探究以尿液中8-羥基去氧鳥糞嘌呤核苷(8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine;8-OHdG)評估暴露PAHs所造成的氧化傷害之相關程度。方法:在台北市計程車司機休息站,募集95位全職工作三年以上的男性計程車司為暴露組,以及依據環保署空氣品質監測站資料,選擇空氣品質良好之台北地區,募集75位男性社區居民為對照組。研究對象均接受問卷訪視,並提供尿液樣本知做為尿液1-OHP及8-OHdG含量分析。結果:進行多變項迴歸分析發現1-OHP濃度與從事駕駛計程車之職業司機和抽菸者有明顯正相關性。以四分位分析顯示1-OHP的平均含量由小於0.15ug/g creatinine增加到大於0.35ug/g creatinine時,8-OHdGl由平均9.7ug/g creatinine增加到1.47ug/g creatinine。在控制研究對象組別、年齡、教育程度、抽菸、嚼檳榔和運動習慣後,8-OHdG濃度與1-OHP濃度有顯著正相關性(r=0.239,p=0.002)。結論:從事計程車駕駛之職業或抽菸都與尿液中1-OHP濃度的增加有顯著相關,由於尿液中8-OHdG濃度與1-OHP間有正相關性,因此8-OHdG濃度可以作為一生物標記反映出個人暴露PAHs所造成之氧化傷害。


Objectives: Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (l-OHP) is an exposure marker of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). This study investigated the relationship between the urinary 1-OHP and 8hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), a biomarker of DNA oxidative damage. Methods: With consents from subjects, the levels of urinary 1-OHP and 8-OHdG were determined for 95 men, with at least three years of taxi driving, recruited at taxi rest stations and 75 men residing in the community with the least air pollution in Taipei City. Results: Multiple regression analysis showed that urinary l-OBP excretion was significantly associated with traffic exposure and smoking. In the quartile distribution of urinary 1-OHP level, the average 8-OHdG level increased from 9.7ug/g creatinine to 14.7 ug/g creatinine when the average 1-OHP level increased from less than quartile. After adjusting for study group, age, education, smoking, areca quid chewing and exercise, there was a significant positive correlation between 8-OHdG and 1-OHP levels (r=0.239,p=0.002). Conclusions: Taxi driving and smoking may contribute independently to the elevation in urinary l-OHP level. Because there is a positive association between the level of 8-OHdG and l-OHP in urine, the 8-OHdG may be considered as a useful biomarker of induced oxidative damage from PARs exposure.


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