  • 期刊


Consumers' Assessment of Clinic Services and its Affecting Factors




Objectives: In order to decrease the utilization of hospital outpatient services by patients with minor illnesses and to increase the willingness to visit primary care clinics, this study investigated the consumers' assessment of the types and quality of services delivered by clinics. The study also examined the factors determining the low preference for clinic-based services compared o hospital outpatient care. Based on the results, a number of policy interventions are proposed to improve the utilization of clinic-based care. Method: Structured questionnaires were used to interview patients selected randomly from four levels of the health service delivery system. A total of 1148 patients were interviewed. Descriptive statistics provide the basic information about patient's opinion and assessment of services received from clinics and the stepwise regression method was used to identify the factors affecting the assessment scores of clinics. Results: Factors affecting the patient's preference include the educational status of individuals, perception about physician's referral pattern, satisfaction with physician's competence, attitudes of nurses and pharmacists, time needed to diagnose illnesses, and the patient satisfaction with physician's explanation about the illness. From the patient's point of view, the three most important factors determining the quality of clime care were the explanations given by physicians about the illnesses, cleanliness of the clinic and perceived knowledge and competence of the physician. The top three factors affecting patients' satisfaction with clinics were the physician's manner and attitude, rapport between physicians and patients, and the physician's knowledge and competence. Conclusion: The results indicate that the utilization of clinics win improve if the physicians perform patient-oriented promotional activities, improve service quality, establish group medical practice, and enhance physician's competence. The health policy decision makers may also consider increasing the out-of-pocket payment for patients at the hospital level if not referred by a primary care physician. The health care delivery system can also promote the adoption of a well-defined protocol for patient referrals from primary to secondary and tertiary levels. Finally, continuing educational programs to update the knowledge and skills of clinic physicians will he1p to improve the confidence of patients in physicians in the primary care clinics.


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