  • 期刊


Risk Adjuster: The Basis for Capitation Payment




In order to contain the escalation in health care expenditure and strengthen social equity ,most developed countries ,at least to a certain degree ,have introduced prospective budget mecha-nism into their health care systems. To avoid the carrying over of inefficiencies and any resulting unfairness into the current system, in recent years the determination of the prospective budget has been calculated more cautiously by employing risk adjustment. Many studies have been dedicated to this area and have provided a sound basis for policy making. Among these studies, a large number are related to the development of risk adjusters to increase the predictability of risk assessment. Taiwan’s NHI has fully implemented a prospective budget payment system, and many reform proposals have urged the necessity of risk adjustment. Although the research into risk adjustment is at an early stage, some risk assessment studies have reported promising results. After reviewing both Taiwan’s and international risk assessment studies, we recommend: (1) to provide valuable information to policy makers, the development of a risk assessment model must take Taiwan’s health care system and social characteristics into account; and (2) in the short term, a risk assessment model incorporating fully diagnostic information should be developed immediately, and in the long term, the prescription information in the claim data should be improved, which can be used in developing indigenous prescription drug adjusters. In this way, the research into risk assessment in Taiwan will be able to be used for cross-country comparisons and be compatible with the global trend.


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