  • 期刊


The Care Needs of People in the Community with Cognitive Impairment


目標:本研究目的在瞭解社區認知障礙者之照護需要及其主要照顧者對照護的看法。方法:研究資料取自建構長期照護體系先導計畫實驗社區之前測調查,共174位認知障礙者及其照顧者146人成為研究樣本。結果:(l)認知功能障礙者平均每人有2項ADL功能及5項IADL功能需人協助;心智及行為方面表現較差的是睡眠型態、衛生與修飾;57 .4%的人不能單獨留在家中超過3個小時。(2)複迴歸分析顯示認知障礙者的情緒情形等七項心智及行為狀況、ADL及 IADL 需要協助的分數及照顧者照顧年數等變項可以解釋照顧者負荷36.6%的變異量,對照顧負荷最顯著的預測變項是認知障礙者的情緒情形及照顧者照顧年數。(3)61.6%的照顧者認為最適合的照顧方式是在家中有人照顧。結論:為協助及支持照顧者繼續在家中照顧認知障礙者,應在社區中提供更多有關失智症的教育、指導及社區資源。


Objectives: The purposes of this study were to understand the care needs of people in the community with cognitive impairment and also the needs of their caregivers. Methods: Secondary data drawn from a study entitled “Pre - investigation for Experimental Community in Pilot Program for the Development of Long Term Care System” was analyzed. The subjects were 174 community residences with cognitive impairment and along with their caregivers (n=146). Results: (1) For subjects with cognitive impairment, the average number of impaired ADL and IADL were 2 and 5 per subject, respectively. Sleeping pattern and personal hygiene were two major problems related to psychosocial behaviors. Most of them (57. 4 %) were not able to stay at home alone for longer than 3 hours. (2) Seven of the psychosocial behaviors, ADL scores, IADL scores and the length of duration they were cared explained the 36.6 % variation in the caregivers’ burden. (3) Most of the caregivers (61.6 %) believed that home was the best method of care for the subjects. Conclusion: More education and community resources regarding dementia are needed in order to assist caregivers to coutinue taking care of subjects at home.


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